WebFindYou users have a new reason to celebrate. After recently launching a much-anticipated live chat feature earlier this month, the Unique All-in-One Digital Marketing Technology has just rolled out its newest feature to help keep businesses at the top of their digital marketing game. It now includes an enhanced Social Media Manager, complete with auto-posting, scheduling and conversion tracking capabilities across popular social networks.

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WebFindYou makes it easier than ever for businesses, agencies, and freelancers to manage their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. The technology provides users with all the necessary components set in place to share website content and makes it simple to post and track immediately across all their social networks or schedule posts for later with one click of a button. This differs from many traditional social media management tools, such as Hootsuite, where you oftentimes must import pictures and create the post text by hand and then use Ow.ly or other integrated tracking technologies like Bitly. Furthermore, these tools do not automatically tell you which leads and sales come from which posts without custom programming.

In addition, the new WebFindYou feature is equipped with a soon-to-be-announced task management system for team collaboration, which is great for those who still use Microsoft Word documents or Google Docs to develop posts manually. With WebFindYou, teams will save a tremendous amount of time managing social media for themselves or clients, driving operational costs lower, profit margins higher, and helping to ensure optimal brand success.

The Social Media Manager feature comes complete with auto-integrated tracking and linking capabilities, which provide users with valuable data insights such as which social media platform and post led to a trackable action and conversion on their website. Trackable actions and/or conversions include a purchase, a phone call, filling out a form, starting a live chat session, adding products to their shopping cart, a newsletter subscription, survey response, when someone writes a review, and more. Raising the bar even further, if a company displays their social media feed on their website with WebFindYou’s Link in Bio feature, the social media management feature will automatically update it once a new post goes live, which also acts as an additional option for team collaboration on viewing prior posts in a quick and easy way.

This new social media feature comes included, at no additional charge, with the powerful WebFindYou All-in-One Digital Marketing Technology that is revolutionizing the Digital Marketing industry as a whole by making it simpler and more affordable for everyone. The technology is already used in many countries and languages around the world and has been seen on popular news outlets like CBS, NBC, Fox News, Yahoo Finance, and others.

“This new feature furthers WebFindYou’s mission to greatly simplify digital marketing to help maximize a company’s visibility, leads and sales via the power of the Internet,” said Robert Blankenship, Founder and CEO of WebFindYou. “Every new feature we add to our technology is to ensure all businesses, freelancers, and agencies, no matter how big or small, are implementing digital marketing the right way to ensure maximum success with minimal costs—therefore exploding their Return on Ad Spend and Return on Investment.”

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