CRM data quality solution startup Transformania, Inc. today announced the launch of its Early Adopters beta program for corporate marketing and IT departments, and outside CRM consultants. Transformania bills its product as “the first 24/7 CRM data quality solution for any CRM.”

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“After more than two years in development, Transformania is here. The feedback we’re receiving from our early adopters is exactly what we had hoped for, and their suggestions are proving to be invaluable in shaping the continuing evolution of our product,” said Matthew Siegal, President and CEO of Transformania.

In appreciation of their participation in the Early Adopters program, corporate end users receive a lifetime discount on the annual subscription price and an opportunity to suggest new features for “fast track” consideration and implementation.

For CRM consultants who participate in the program, Transformania has created a free diagnostic tool that identifies dozens of common problems found in nearly every CRM and email marketing list. Any consultant who wants to assess the health of their clients’ contact data can run the analysis and provide the results to their clients at no cost. CRM HealthCheck is intended to help consultants win new clients and better assist current ones with their data quality issues.

“The days of living with incomplete and outdated CRM data are over. Transformania ensures that keeping your CRM clean, updated, and productive is an automated, ‘hands off’ process,” added Siegal.

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