How To Use Voice of Customer To Turn Expertise and First-Hand Experience Into Fresh Content

If you are a content creator, you cannot help but be concerned about the impact of AI on your career. But should you be?

Yes, as content marketers, we are experiencing one of the most dramatic shifts in digital content since the advent of social media. Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming content creation, but–let’s face facts–AI is not without its limitations. Despite the ability of ChatGPT, Gemini, Jasper, and similar tools to create readable content, we must never forget that the intended audience is not a robot.

There is a risk of a pervasive “sameness” across the internet due to AI. Partly because of its inherent lack of emotional intelligence and challenges with cultural nuances, all leading to the potential homogenization of the written word.

All of this underscores the importance of integrating human-driven strategies, like Voice of Customer, into the current and future state of content marketing.

Having started my career in broadcast news & information, I quickly learned the importance of engaging audiences with compelling stories and unique perspectives. From short news pieces to hour-long documentaries, telling informative, genuine, and original stories was the backbone of my early career.

This experience ingrained in me the value of authenticity and the power of narrative, principles that have guided my work throughout the last 25 years in digital marketing. This unique foundation gave me a front-row seat to the evolution of content marketing as it has repeatedly morphed to fit the needs of the next generation of online users.

The advent of generative AI search engines like Bing and Google, favoring Zero-Click AI search results, poses yet another set of challenges for content visibility and SEO. This technology, by providing answers directly on search pages, will likely decrease website traffic and obscure a company’s carefully crafted content.

Facing this, prioritizing content enriched with irreplaceable insights and human experiences becomes critical. This unique, experience-driven content transcends AI’s limitations, maintaining its appeal and relevance in an ecosystem where depth and uniqueness will be more critical than ever.

Not unlike a news story or documentary, VOC leverages insights, feedback, and experiences from actual customers, infusing content with authenticity and deep resonance. This method distinguishes your content in a sea of AI-generated pieces and ensures it genuinely connects with an audience, delivering the value they crave.

Navigating SEO Challenges in the Age of AI

I will start this by saying that I’ve heard the phrase “SEO is dead!” several times throughout my career.  From the sudden appearance of cats playing the piano on newly launched social media platforms to Google updates named after cute, black-and-white animals, experts have often decried that SEO–as we know it–was over. SEO was declared Dead. Finished. You might as well pack your bags and head home. And in some ways, they were right.

Each time, SEO changed, becoming something different from what we were used to. But it did not die. And, I will officially hazard an educated guess that the same will apply to the new search landscape. SEO will change–again–but it will not die. At least not until the almighty Google figures out how to monetize generative search results in the way it has with traditional SERPs.

Even when this happens, these AI search tools will need something to feed the fire–and that something is engaging and unique content. And while artificial intelligence seems to encroach on every aspect of content creation, a powerful yet often underutilized strategy remains uniquely human.

Think about it: Who is better at guiding your content strategy and providing rich, unique, firsthand experience than the people you aim to serve? By integrating VOC into content marketing, you’re not just guessing what your audience wants; you’re hearing it straight from the source. This direct pipeline into your audience’s needs, desires, and expertise equips you to create unique and rich content with personal storytelling and authoritative insights.

VOC is more than a strategy for competing against machines that can write faster than you can order a latte from Uber Eats. It’s a lifeline that brands need to grab hold of with both hands.

The Human Touch in a Digital World

While AI may shape the next frontier of digital marketing, the foundations of content marketing remain deeply human. The essence of storytelling, emotion, and cultural resonance (qualities that AI still struggles to replicate) remain firmly in the human domain.

Even as AI continues to evolve, it should serve as a tool, not a replacement, and I will emphasize the need for human oversight in crafting messages that genuinely speak to and move the audience.

At AgencyAnalytics, our Voice of Customer journey has evolved over the last 2 years. From incorporating basic testimonials to capturing in-depth case studies and showcasing real-world successes with our platform, we had the basics covered. Most may have stopped there. We did not.

We deepened the dialogue by soliciting feedback from high-value customers on content preferences–simply by asking, “Is there a specific topic of interest you would like to see covered on our blog?”

We didn’t know it then, but this question paved the way for the fully engrained VOC approach we now use to extract expertise directly from marketing agency professionals.

After all, we may be content marketing experts, but our customers are the ones who are living and breathing the challenges of growing a digital marketing agency, optimizing ad campaigns, dealing with client requests, overcoming sales objections, and managing scope creep.  Pick any topic relevant to a marketing agency, and I guarantee you that the best source for information on that topic is–you guessed it–a marketing agency.

With the sole purpose of tapping into unique insights and perspectives, each step on our VOC journey reinforced the commitment to authentic, customer-driven content, setting a new standard in our company’s content strategy.

Ideas for Generating and Leveraging VOC for Unique and Engaging Content

When I joined AgencyAnalytics in 2022, I didn’t know that Voice of Customer would become instrumental in elevating the content we produce. I have since learned that by integrating customer insights and experiences into our content, we create more authentic pieces that speak directly to the challenges and successes of our audience–marketing agencies.

Here are a few examples of how we have used VOC to enrich published content:

Surveys and Questionnaires

Dive deep into specific topics with targeted questions that reveal the nuances of your audience’s challenges and successes. By setting up a weekly series of insight surveys, we add unique insights and ideas that we might never have considered, creating richer, more thoughtful blog content.

For example, a recent post on imposter syndrome featured quotes from agency leaders discussing their personal experiences with the issue.

This inclusion added depth and relatability to the content, making it more engaging for our readers. The impact of using VOC is evident when contributors share the blog post on LinkedIn, highlighting their involvement and extending the post’s reach and authenticity within their network.

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One-on-One Customer Interviews

Capture detailed stories and insights through one-on-one conversations. Each survey we send out includes a question at the end, asking the respondents if they would be interested in furthering the conversation.

Our Agency Profile series welcomes interested clients to participate in a 60-minute interview with a member of our content team, which is then turned into an editorial article highlighting the agency leader’s growth journey. For example, the Digilatics Agency Profile and accompanying case study showcased the agency’s scaling process and successes using our platform.

By sharing detailed stories and outcomes from the agency’s perspective, these pieces provide tangible examples of success–and struggles–in the marketing agency world.

Expert Voices Guest Posts

Invite clients or industry experts to share their perspectives on your platform, bringing fresh voices and credibility. Some of the most unique and interesting articles come from experts who started by submitting an answer to one of our surveys, such as the Therapist-Turned-Agency Owner’s Guide To Stress Management, penned by Jessica Tappana.

This post was packed with the author’s firsthand experiences and strategies, offering the audience practical advice grounded in real-life scenarios. The guest author’s perspective added credibility and a fresh voice to our blog, demonstrating the value of incorporating external expertise into our content strategy.

Customer Support Feedback

Use inquiries and feedback as a content ideation tool to address common questions and challenges. Responses to post-purchase surveys, reviews, and transcripts from customer service calls provide a fountain of content ideas.

If customers are not getting the total value out of your product or service, provide useful tips on how to realize more of the product’s benefits.  For example, we compiled insights and tips directly from marketing agency professionals who use our platform daily.

These insiders shared their firsthand experiences, offering valuable advice on how to leverage reporting tools for maximum client impact.

Advisory Boards

Like the AgencyAnalytics Editorial Board, these groups offer ongoing strategic insights, aligning your content with industry trends and audience needs.

Select a few of your top customers and keep asking them questions. You’ll often be surprised by the answers.

Balancing Authenticity and Accuracy in VOC Content

Successfully incorporating VOC into branded content requires a strategic approach that balances authenticity with brand integrity. Brands must develop robust mechanisms for selecting, vetting, and integrating customer voices to enrich the brand narrative while avoiding the pitfalls of inconsistency, superficial content, and factual inaccuracies.

For example, customers often have diverse experiences, leading to varying opinions on a particular topic that may be challenging to reconcile in a cohesive brand narrative. Different perspectives always provide value, but balancing them is not always easy.

Another issue arises when expert contributors offer VOC content that lacks depth, primarily motivated by the desire to secure a backlink rather than provide genuine insight. This content detracts from the overall quality of the brand’s content ecosystem, disappointing readers seeking substantive information.

The use of VOC in branded content also necessitates rigorous fact-checking to ensure accuracy and reliability. Customer stories and experiences, while unique and interesting, sometimes contain inaccuracies or exaggerations that could mislead readers. After all, just because they’re experts doesn’t always mean they are right.

Ultimately, it’s not just about gathering voices; it’s about curating truths and finding learnings from successes and failures.

Adding the VOC Edge to Every Content Strategy

From the trenches of broadcast news to the digital battlegrounds of SEO and content marketing, the lessons have been clear: authenticity wins, every time. And how do you nail authenticity? By bringing the voices of those you serve right into the heart of your content. We didn’t just ask for feedback; we turned it into the cornerstone of everything we write and publish.

As we take stock of our journey at AgencyAnalytics, integrating Voice of Customer into our content creation process has been nothing short of transformative. This approach hasn’t just been about adapting to the seismic shifts in digital marketing but pioneering a path that places genuine customer insights at the core of what we do as a content marketing team.

Yes, the buzz about AI and its capabilities is loud, but we’ve chosen to tune into a different frequency: the authentic voices of our customers. This shift from relying on algorithms to embracing real-world experiences has redefined our content’s impact.

Weaving our customers’ authentic stories, challenges, and achievements into our narrative allows us to produce content that’s not just informative but also profoundly authentic and engaging. Whether exploring complex topics like imposter syndrome with genuine stories or highlighting the successes of our users, we create content that reflects the real-life experiences of those we serve.

Looking forward, VOC isn’t just a component of our content strategy—it’s the cornerstone. It’s what differentiates our content in a crowded ecosystem, ensuring that we’re not just another voice in the echo chamber but a trusted resource that our audience relies upon.

Author Bio:

Paul Stainton
Director of Content & SEO, AgencyAnalytics

Paul Stainton is a seasoned digital and content marketing professional with over 25 years of experience. He specializes in digital transformation, eCommerce strategies, and brand strategy, delivering impactful go-to-market executions.

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