2022 Global Data Literacy Benchmark Study Finds the Confident Are Coming

2022 Global Data Literacy Benchmark Study Finds the Confident Are Coming

Second Global Data Literacy Benchmark study of more than 5,000 employees across Australia, Canada, India, the United Kingdom and the United States of America was released today. The Global Data Literacy Benchmark identifies 3 cohorts of employees: those who need direction (the Curious), those who are independent (the Confident) and those who can guide others (the Coaches). There has been a significant shift from Curious to Confident across all domains, with the Confident outnumbering the Curious across all domains for the first time.

Today, data literacy experts and industry leaders, Data To The People, released the second study of the Global Data Literacy Benchmark. This second release of the Global Data Literacy Benchmark provides an updated view of data literacy at a competency level of more than 5,000 employees from around the globe.

Utilising their proprietary Databilities data literacy framework, Data To The People commissioned this second study to measure the individual data literacy of more than 5,000 employed individuals across Australia, Canada, India, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The Benchmark found that data literacy varies widely by industry and occupation but follows a standard profile across regions. The study also found there have been notable improvements in levels of data literacy across most cohorts and competencies.

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“Over the past two years, there has been a noticeable increase in the attention and efforts of individuals and organisations across the globe to understand and address levels of data literacy. We’ve turned the volume up, now it’s time to tune the dial.”

“Over the past two years, there has been a noticeable increase in the attention and efforts of individuals and organisations across the globe to understand and address levels of data literacy,” said Jane Crofts, CEO, Data To The People. “We’ve seen a broad shift from Curious to Confident, which tells me our efforts have been somewhat successful, however, there is still much work to be done”.

“We’ve turned the volume up, now it’s time to tune the dial,” said Crofts. “Let’s hone our focus and target the areas of greatest opportunity across the organisation. By building job-relevant competencies for each function within the organisation, we will bring about a groundswell and momentum that will be near impossible to extinguish.”

The Global Data Literacy Benchmark provides an opportunity for organisations to see how they measure up against their industry, region and occupations. “We’ve made it possible for organisations to measure and compare themselves to a global data literacy benchmark, allowing them to better understand the landscape in which they operate,” said Crofts. With a range of self-serve and full-service offerings, Data To The People provides the tools organisations need to measure, map and develop data literacy across their workforce.

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