Neutronian, a pioneer of independent data quality certification, announced that Ibotta, a leading rewards platform in the United States, has been awarded with Neutronian Certification for its purchase-based activation audiences. This announcement covers both General Certification across Neutronian’s five categories of data quality and compliance as well as the Cookieless Certification that specifically evaluates a data provider’s readiness for the cookieless future.

As the marketing ecosystem evolves and cookie deprecation remains on the horizon, brands and marketers need assurance that the data they leverage for their marketing efforts is high quality, privacy compliant and able to deliver on their campaign KPIs. Neutronian was founded on this premise, aiming to increase transparency and reduce risk with independent, comprehensive data quality verification.

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“In an ecosystem where a lack of transparency is seemingly the norm, Ibotta stands out as a data provider willing to be completely transparent with both marketers (the buyers of their audiences) and the Ibotta app users who provide transaction information in exchange for rewards,” said Steve Katelman, former EVP at Omnicom Media Group and part of the Advisory Board at Neutronian. “Marketers who buy Ibotta data can easily and publicly point to exactly where their campaign data is sourced. This level of transparency could potentially be transformative if applied across the entire MarTech ecosystem.”

The Neutronian Certification takes the data vetting burden off of brands and marketers while also helping high quality data providers like Ibotta differentiate from their competitors. This transparency translates to better campaign performance and more confidence in attribution for marketers.

“Neutronian is bringing much needed transparency, a core Ibotta value, to the marketing industry,” said Thomas Benedict, SVP of Data & Media at Ibotta. “Going through the Neutronian certification process was illuminating, and, by incorporating their standards and additional rigor, Ibotta can confidently proclaim the best data sourcing and quality in the industry.”

As a consumer-facing application provider, privacy and data quality is ingrained in Ibotta’s culture and supported throughout the organization. Ibotta data is fully 1st party, deterministic data that is collected down to the product SKU and is completely free from use of third-party cookies for data collection or processing. This level of granularity provides marketers with scalable, accurate and privacy compliant data analytics, attribution and activation capabilities that are not reliant on cookies.

“Throughout our in-depth review of Ibotta, we observed many industry-leading and innovative data quality practices including being future-proofed for the impending depreciation of third-party cookies,” said Tom DiGrazia, CTO and Co-Founder of Neutronian. “It was clear during our interactions with the Ibotta team that they place a high level of importance on data quality, security, and privacy.”

To earn the certification, Ibotta underwent a comprehensive audit that covered each category of Neutronian’s quality framework. Examples of the aspects evaluated within each of the main categories include:

  • Consent and Compliance – Consent standards, opt-in/out process, compliance disclosures for CCPA, etc.
  • Sourcing Transparency – Data sources, transparency of data collection processes internally and externally, etc.
  • Dataset Characteristics – Type(s) of datasets (ex., deterministic or probabilistic), data cleansing practices (ex. IVT filtering, brand safety applications), etc.
  • Methodology and processing – Data processing and retention controls, use of statistical methodologies such as modeling, weighting, etc.
  • Performance – Methods used to evaluate data accuracy and performance, frequency of evaluations, etc.

In addition to the general review, Neutronian also evaluated Ibotta against a cookieless framework in order to confirm that the data provider was not reliant on third-party cookies for data collection or processing. This added level of verification helps provide marketers with assurance that the datasets they leverage will continue to be available and at the same scale when third-party cookies are no longer a viable option for identifying users.

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