Transcosmos Launches Web Accessibility Diagnostics & Renovation Service, a Service Which Solves All Challenges in Enhancing Corporate Website Accessibility

Transcosmos Launches Web Accessibility Diagnostics & Renovation Service, a Service Which Solves All Challenges in Enhancing Corporate Website Accessibility

Offers end-to-end support from website current status survey to renovation to be ready for the law enforcement scheduled on June 4, 2024

transcosmos inc. hereby announces that the company has rolled out a web accessibility diagnostics & renovation service that ranges from performing a current status survey, defining the scope of renovation projects, developing necessary documents, to revamping the current websites to make all clients’ site visitors enjoy a more pleasant user experience.

The obligation for the private business sector to make endeavours to provide reasonable accommodation to remove social barriers under the Act for Eliminating Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (*1) will come into effect on June 4, 2024. Despite companies recognizing the importance of taking measures to make their official websites accessible for all, many find it hard to identify what they should do, and where to start to make it happen.

transcosmos will offer its website accessibility diagnostics & renovation service, which covers two phases – diagnostics and development & operations

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To help businesses overcome such challenges, transcosmos will offer its website accessibility diagnostics & renovation service, which covers two phases – diagnostics and development & operations. In the diagnostics phase, transcosmos will perform a current status survey on the client’s website, define the scope of the website renovation project, and create documents such as a guideline for website development. In the development & operations phase, transcosmos will not only renovate and evaluate the upgraded website, but also maintain enhanced web accessibility. With this website accessibility & renovation service, transcosmos will assist clients in solving their challenges from all aspects.

[Diagnostics Phase]

transcosmos experts in website analytics will conduct a survey using AMCC (Accessibility Management Checker Cloud) by InfoCreate Co., Ltd. (*2), a service that provides scores on current accessibility status. Based on the survey results, the team then defines the project scope, and creates a web accessibility guideline for the project, as well as a useful check sheet for developing the site.
Project duration: About two to three months * Subject to the volume of a website.
Price: Starts from 1,000 yen

[Development & Operations Phase]
Based on the results of the diagnostics phase, transcosmos team renovates your website. The team will evaluate the renovated website and the level of web accessibility based on the criteria defined at the diagnostics phase.

  • Both project duration and price are subject to the results of the diagnostics phase.

Making the most of its strengths as a leading website development company with a team of 2,600 web developers across Japan and abroad, transcosmos continues to offer website development and operations services, carry out renovation initiatives including web accessibility, and execute digital marketing strategies leveraging marketing automation tools. As a partner in driving clients’ digitization efforts, transcosmos will help clients further enhance their services.

(*1) About the Act for Eliminating Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted in 2006 and took effect in 2008. It requires signatories to take appropriate measures to prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. In Japan, the Act for Eliminating Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (the Act for Eliminating Discrimination), which is intended as a means to realize the provisions was enacted in June 2013 and took effect in April 2016 for the purpose of promoting the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of disability in order to realize a society where no citizens are treated differently on the basis of whether or not they have disability and where all citizens can coexist with mutual respect for one another’s personalities and individuality.
The Act was amended in May 2021 (Act No. 56 of 2021). The effective date of the revisions will be a day specified by the Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding three years from the date of promulgation (June 4, 2021).

(*2) About InfoCreate Co., Ltd.
InfoCreate Co., Ltd. is the only JIC certified web accessibility inspection body (Conformity Assessment Body) in Japan. InfoCreate works on developing inspection programs and conducts inspections on web accessibility, and was a member of 2004 JIS X 8341-3 working group. The company also supported major central government ministries and agencies work on web accessibility. Currently, InfoCreate is developing Libra, a JIS: 2010 conformity assessment tool that supports 2010 amended JIS 8341-3:2010. The company is also offering inspection services. InfoCreate’s AMCC, also a conformity assessment tool, supports JIS X 8341-3:2016 which was amended in 2016

*transcosmos is a trademark or registered trademark of transcosmos inc. in Japan and other countries.
*Other company names and product or service names used here are trademarks or registered trademarks of respective companies.

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