AdPlayer.Pro, a global provider of outstream video advertising solutions, has released its Q1 2022 results, reporting the increase in daily video ad serving volumes, as well as the robust tech core upgrades.

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According to the official announcement, the number of video ad impressions served daily in direct partnership with the company’s Supply partners has reached 50,000,000 in January – March 2022.

As Anton Liaskovkyi, CEO of AdPlayer.Pro claimed, such a gradual increase aligns well with the initial quarterly predictions, as well as the annual forecast for 2022. “Undoubtedly, 50M is an important benchmark and a significant milestone, achieved by our team. More importantly, we’ve set quite ambitious plans in Q2 – Q4 2022, too,” he added.

As for the functional core, the AdPlayer.Pro’s ad-enabled video player and video ad server underwent a series of essential functional upgrades in Q1 2022. In particular, these concerned the stronger YouTube integration on the Supply side, and the expansion of the outstream video ad format portfolio.

According to Mr. Liaskovskyi, the boost of top-tier video advertisers’ interest in quality editorial inventory, tracked over the past several years, hasn’t caught publishers by surprise. However, maximizing the effectiveness of their monetization strategies is a continuous process.

“And here’s where we step in, providing our Supply partners with the crucial video ad tech to help them achieve projected revenue goals.”

“At this time, we’ve already received positive publishers’ feedback, regarding the recent functional enhancements, and certainly, our dev team is working on several new video ad player features, scheduled for release in Q2 – Q4 2022, “ he explained.

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