MediaRadar Study: Number of Companies Placing Native Ads Programmatically Increases YoY

MediaRadar Study: Number of Companies Placing Native Ads Programmatically Increases YoY

Progressive Named Top Buyer of Native Ads in q1 of 2019, Followed by Homeserve and Lendingtree

MediaRadar, the leading advertising intelligence and sales enablement platform, released an analysis comparing year-over-year (YoY) native advertising statistics from Q1 of 2018 to Q1 of 2019. The deep dive discovered YoY renewal rates, the top buyers of native ads, the percentage of companies placing native ads programmatically, plus more.

MediaRadar’s YoY native advertising study found that 34 percent of companies running native ads in Q1 of 2018 also did so in Q1 of 2019. However, of the top 30 native advertisers from Q1 2018, all but one ran native ads in Q1 of 2019. The majority of advertisers who dropped off were smaller brands that use the format sparingly.

According to the analysis, the top three buyers of native ads in Q1 2019 were Progressive, HomeServe and LendingTree. In terms of industries, Media and entertainment companies remained by far the largest buyers of native advertising.

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“Even with a slight decline in the percentage of the market accounted for year-over-year, the media and entertainment industry more than doubled the market share of the next largest buyer of Native ads,” said Todd Krizelman, CEO and Co-Founder of MediaRadar.

Finance and real estate firms saw the largest increase in native ad investment, accounting for seven percent more of the dollars spent when compared to the year prior. In addition, Services & Retail saw three percent increases, while Tech saw a four percent decrease.

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The study also looked at how these Native ads were being placed. “Our study found that the percentage of companies placing native ads programmatically is increasing,” said Krizelman. “In fact, 76 percent of native advertisers placed native ads programmatically in Q1 of 2019. In comparison, just 62 percent did so in Q1 of 2018.”

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