Enhances Protections to Streamline Equitable Access to Services Announces Milestone: Around 12.5 Million Military Users Have Used More than 250 Million Times to Access Services announced a new Human in the Loop team to ensure equitable access to digital services. The new team adds an additional protection layer alongside’s existing video chat verification team.

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“ is deeply committed to access and equity”

Human in the Loop agents are empowered to review all users who fail the ID card or selfie step in real-time. With this new feature, when a user’s ID card or selfie match is rejected during the automated process, their document or selfie is sent directly to a human reviewer. If the information subsequently passes manual review, users can continue identity verification through the automated process. If the human agent also cannot pass the document or selfie, then users are directed to a one-to-one live video chat to verify with a human agent.

“ is deeply committed to access and equity,” said Blake Hall, co-founder and CEO. “For years, we have combined human agents with automated technology to guard against any potential bias. Now, the Human in the Loop team enables us to verify more users faster in order to ensure equitable and streamlined access to vital government services.”

Early results show Human in the Loop reduces by 18% the number of users who need to verify through video chat. also previously announced a verification pathway that allows individuals to verify directly with a human agent. These combined capabilities empower users to verify in the manner they prefer with a better user experience.

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