Why Experience Mapping is Critical for Your Business

Experience mapping, popularly known as customer journey mapping or user journey mapping, is a methodological process adopted by companies and organizations to comprehend and visualize the distinct touchpoints and interactions that a customer or user undergoes when interacting with their products, services, or brand.

The Objective Behind Experience Mapping

The objective of Experience Mapping is to learn what happened to the customer in their journey, e.g. their thoughts, emotions, and feelings at each stage of the process. Through capturing these experiences, businesses will recognize the pain points, and areas for improvement as well as the chances to optimize the overall customer experience.

This is how companies differentiate their products, services, and communications based on the needs and expectations of their customers. When a product development or improvement project is being executed, various techniques are used by large product teams. They are usually used to get the team to come up with possible solutions to known problems, see the product’s purpose and objectives, find the missing links, and close gaps for improvement. It is one of the visualization techniques that you can see that is referred to as an Experience map.

A user experience map can provide the business with an understanding of the various parts and processes that relate to a product. This means developing empathy and identification as users to enhance the user experience of a product.

The techniques of experience mapping exist to allow the teams to stay responsible for one goal that is typically oriented on bettering the quality of their product’s user experience. They aim to provide a deep understanding of the point of view, the scope, and the focus area of the product.

Types of Experience Mapping Techniques

There are several types of mapping techniques, and a few are mentioned below:

1. Customer journey mapping

A customer journey map is a strategy that shows every step a consumer takes to interact with your product. Typically, their primary objective is to depict the steps involved in a user reaching a particular objective within a designated timeframe.

The objective is to help product teams better understand the end-user when developing or redesigning a product by breaking down the user experience into smaller, more focused steps. This technique assists businesses in identifying particular customer journey touchpoints that may lead to customer annoyance or satisfaction. Several best practices guarantee the best results when starting a customer journey mapping project.

  • Creating Customer Journey Mapping

First and foremost, it’s critical to comprehend the emotional core of the journey, taking into account the experiences and emotional objectives of the clients at each turn. Getting a complete understanding is ensured by matching metrics with key emotional areas.

Focus first on a small number of touchpoints, giving top priority to those that are most important to the customer’s advancement through the buying process.  Collaboration and visualization are made easier when a Customer Journey Mapping tool is used, especially in remote work environments.

One must understand that customer journey maps are flexible and can alter in response to personal preferences and actual results. For firms to be sensitive to changing client needs and behaviours while maintaining alignment with strategic objectives, regular review and adaptation are crucial.

2. Touchpoint Analysis

Traditional advertising techniques like radio, TV, and internet marketing provide multiple channels for a business to communicate with its target audience. In the digital age, even smaller companies could have more than a hundred possible touchpoints, which are all of the contacts a client has with a brand along their journey.

Enhancing the consumer experience and optimizing the efficacy of marketing initiatives require a thorough analysis of these touchpoints. Touchpoint analysis is a procedure that is crucial for guaranteeing customer happiness and streamlining business operations.

Organizations can obtain important information to enhance their evaluation systems by looking at individual touch points. Direct customer surveys are commonly employed, typically comprising three questions that pertain to products, employees, and brand perception. However, there are various other ways customers may engage with a company.

  • Creating Touchpoint Analysis

Mapping the customer journey and figuring out how prospects become customers is the first step in the touchpoint analysis process. This entails determining how clients learn about the business, its goods, and services, as well as the reasons behind their referrals and repeat business. Determining these elements is essential to fully comprehending the client’s journey.

Expectations, real experiences, and various journey activities are identified during this process; each touchpoint elicits a variety of emotions that can either bind or dissuade the customer from the brand.

Touchpoint analysis gives businesses insight into these phases and responses, enabling them to correct mistakes and preserve the good aspects of the client journey. Additionally, by knowing which customer touchpoints are highly beneficial and which are less significant from their standpoint, businesses may better allocate resources and improve customer interactions. Touchpoint analysis, in its simplest form, gives businesses the ability to strategically manage the client experience, strengthening bonds with them and propelling expansion.

3. Emotional Mapping

Emotional journey mapping is a technique for monitoring and analyzing consumer or user emotions during an engagement with a brand, service, or product. The method entails identifying the main points of contact or interactions that the user or customer has with the brand, service, or product, and determining the possible feelings that the user or consumer may experience at each point.

To identify customer experience regions that might provoke negative emotions and those that could be modified to provoke positive emotions, the data is displayed as a timeline or flowchart. By comprehending the emotional requirements and desires of their customers, organizations can better grasp how to enhance their client experiences.

  • Creating an Emotional Journey Map

The first step in creating an emotional journey map is to identify customer categories and conduct research to establish user personas. Create scenarios that take user goals and expectations into account. Set clear objectives and duties for every journey, like vacation planning. Collect authentic information about client experiences and feelings through surveys or interviews.

Examine this information to find patterns and arrange client comments. Form a group to analyze the information and pinpoint emotional highs and lows. Graphs and charts can be used to visualize the emotional journey and point out areas that need improvement. Make adjustments per the analysis and keep an eye on the emotional journey map for continual development.

4. Service Blueprinting

Businesses and organizations utilize service blueprinting, a strategic technique, to visually map out the complete service delivery process from the perspectives of internal operations and customers. It is beneficial to comprehend the method of service delivery, spot possible problems, and enhance the customer experience in general.

  • Creating a service blueprint is as follows:

Establishing a precise definition for the service you wish to build is the first step. This could be a particular service that your company provides, such as making reservations for lodging, placing food delivery orders, or making an appointment with a doctor. Next, you must locate client touchpoints—that is, locations where customers and services interact.

These might be things like going to a website, getting in touch with customer care, buying something, or getting a service. Next, you need to determine which activities are front- and back-stage. Front-stage activities are those that the customer can see, like utilizing a website or app, interacting with employees, or picking up a tangible item. The internal procedures and operations that support the front-stage interactions are known as back-stage activities. Examples include order processing, inventory control, and staff training.

Now, sketch out the customer’s path from beginning to end, taking into account each touchpoint they will come across. A flowchart or diagram might be used for this, with each touchpoint represented as a stage in the procedure.

Outline the internal procedures and initiatives that support each touchpoint beneath the client journey. Order fulfilment, payment processing, customer support, and any other back-end operations fall under this category. Determine Interactions and Dependencies. This can assist in locating possible bottlenecks, failure sites, or places that require improvement.

After the blueprint is finished, examine it to find areas where procedures may be made more efficient, chances to improve efficiency, and overall quality of service can be found. This could entail updating employee training, introducing new technology, or revamping workflows.

Organizations can have a comprehensive understanding of their service delivery process and make well-informed decisions to enhance operational efficacy and customer happiness by developing a service blueprint.

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Benefits of Experience Mapping for Businesses

Here is a list of benefits to consider when deciding if you’d like to implement customer journey mapping into your business:

1. Empathize with your customers

By using a customer journey map, you may see the sales process from the customer’s point of view instead of the sales perspective, which allows you to shift views. You can have a better understanding of their perspective and discover the factors that influenced their decision to select your goods over another brand. Think about utilizing this information to enhance future customer experiences and modify your sales and marketing strategies as necessary.

2. Get a uniform view of their journey

Departments may have different evaluations of a customer’s experience. All departments receive consistent information about the customer’s journey with your company from a customer journey map. This gives sales, marketing, and all other departments involved in the sales process a clear picture of the interactions a customer has with your business and gives them access to the same data, which can facilitate collaboration toward the shared objective of increasing sales.

3. Identify gaps in service or communications

Using a path map makes it easier to identify service gaps in your present marketing and sales platforms. For instance, you can discover that some customers left your website because you don’t have a mechanism to contact them right away. This can lead you to update your website to incorporate an instant chat feature that enables potential customers to contact you with any queries they may have. Some clients will find this tiny addition to your sales technique more convenient, which could persuade them to purchase your business.

4. Predict customer behaviour

As the customer progresses through the various stages of the sales funnel, the behavior of the customer can be predicted using journey maps. These patterns can help you determine the kind of candidates who are most likely to convert. Understanding your target will enable you to make more informed decisions about how to move them along the sales funnel. Some clients want to talk to a representative.

Others would value emails or blog entries about your products and would take a less direct approach. Think about employing maps to help you anticipate your client’s needs at each step of the process and work to deliver those solutions.

5. Improve the customer journey

You may determine whether clients are satisfied with their interactions with your firm by using the map. You can find out which parts of your existing sales process clients find particularly delightful and which areas you can enhance to make their experience even better. Acquiring this information will enable you to favorably alter their journey and facilitate brand engagement.

6. Provide a visual aid for stakeholders

Giving stakeholders in your firm a visual representation of your current sales process, like a customer journey map, might be beneficial. Presentations, handouts, or journey mapping software can all be used to provide them. With a visual aid like a map, concepts like the customer journey can be a lot easier to understand, and stakeholders could be more ready to provide funds to assist put improvements to your current procedures into action.

7. Remove silos from departments

Different departments inside a company that run independently and typically don’t communicate information with one another are referred to as organizational silos. As a result, departments are unable to have all the information required to enhance the client experience. Creating client journey maps enables you to observe departmental collaboration.

For instance, you might discover that some prospects showed greater interest in your product at first, but that their interest waned as they looked at competing brands. This indicates that to effectively nurture their leads and advance them through the sales funnel, the marketing and sales teams should have collaborated more.

8. See the experience from the customer’s perspective

Comprehending the customer’s point of view is crucial as it allows you to have additional understanding of their emotional journey through the many stages of the sales process. Utilizing the data, you may determine how they felt during the experience and then adjust important aspects to make the journey more enjoyable for subsequent customers.

For instance, you can identify the visual aids on your website that generated the most conversions, add content that is comparable to those, and change or remove stuff that wasn’t improving the customer experience.

9. Enhance your content marketing strategy

Producing customized marketing content for every demographic is crucial, as the experiences of most customers vary based on their beliefs, interests, and driving forces. You can learn which marketing methods some customers prefer over others by charting the course of each customer’s journey. You can select distinct marketing tactics for every demographic based on that data.

Prospective customers who find pleasure in utilizing social media during their purchasing experience, for instance, might favor making purchases through a data-driven visual commerce platform that enables you to annotate photos on various social media platforms with shopping tags. When a user clicks on an image, they can buy the product right away.

On the other hand, some customers might want to talk to a salesperson on the phone before making any purchases. Customer journey mapping allows you to identify each customer’s needs so you can adapt the marketing experience for each one.

10. Create a smoother experience

Finding places where you might desire more touch points is another advantage of customer journey mapping. Any interaction your customer may have with your product—for example, a sponsored advertisement, a blog post review, or a testimonial—is referred to as a touch point.

You might be able to identify areas where you can add or remove touch points to improve the customer experience overall if you know how customers are using them to navigate the sales journey. You could wish to engage with customers more in areas like pay-per-click ads and nurture emails.

11. Increase customer engagement

A journey map may help you comprehend the various interactions that clients have had with your business, as well as the reasoning behind any difficult experiences they may have had. For instance, they might not have had the opportunity to speak with a salesman just before making a purchase, which made them uncertain about the deal.

With that knowledge, you may enhance the client experience by providing superior customer service, which can boost future positive customer involvement. If you’re looking for ways to improve how your business and your customers engage, think about using the customer journey map.

The Role of Experience Mapping in Customer-Centricity

An essential component of encouraging customer-centricity in businesses is experience mapping. Customer-centricity is the practice of putting the wants, preferences, and experiences of the customer first and centre stage in business decisions and operations. Experience mapping complements this strategy in several important ways.

  • To begin with, experience mapping gives companies a thorough grasp of the whole client journey. Through comprehensive analysis and visualization of each touchpoint and contact, organizations can pinpoint customer pain points, areas for progress, and moments of joy. Organizations can better match the requirements and expectations of their customers by customizing their products, services, and procedures because to this profound understanding.
  • Secondly, experience mapping helps organizations develop empathy. Businesses may better understand their customers by placing themselves in their customers’ shoes and taking into account their feelings, motives, and objectives at every turn of the customer journey. Stronger connections and relationships with customers are fostered by this empathy-driven approach, which increases customer pleasure, loyalty, and advocacy.
  • Thirdly, inside firms, experience mapping encourages cross-functional cooperation. A variety of departments, including marketing, sales, customer support, and product development, frequently contribute to the creation of an experience map. By working together, all teams can provide a seamless and outstanding experience throughout all touchpoints and maintain a common understanding of the client journey.

All things considered, experience mapping plays a key role in advancing customer-centricity by offering insights into the customer journey, cultivating empathy, and encouraging departmental collaboration.

Customer-Centric Approach Defined

Customer-centricity is a corporate approach and culture that prioritizes providing the greatest possible customer experience to foster brand loyalty. Businesses that prioritize their clients make sure that the client is at the core of their operations, culture, and ideas. Businesses that prioritize their customers employ all available resources to maintain customer satisfaction because they consider their customers to be the main reason for their existence.

  • Understanding Customer-Centric Approach

In service-oriented businesses, particularly financial services, the term “client-centric” has been around for a while. One-stop shopping is a common way for businesses that aim to be client-centric to save their clients time and money. Some might provide a premium range of services to high-net-worth individuals. Be aware that this phrase has become clichéd in several businesses and turns off customers.
Business theory states that providing the best possible service to customers will lead to devoted clients who will spend more money with the company and be less likely to shop around for a better deal.

  • The Benefits of a Client-Centric Approach

Businesses are primarily driven to adopt a client-centric approach by the competitive and expensive nature of customer acquisition. Offering supplementary goods or services to current clients keeps them around longer and is frequently more profitable. A cultural transformation that puts the requirements of the customer ahead of tactics focused on the organization’s products is necessary for the transition to a client-centric model.

Offering superior customer service is essential to retaining clients and differentiating your business from rivals. On the other hand, overstretching services could lower the caliber of the company’s core products and endanger its reputation. Therefore, maintaining excellence without going overboard requires balance, even though client-centricity is crucial.

How Experience Mapping Aligns with Customer-Centric Strategies

Experience mapping aligns closely with customer-centric strategies by focusing on understanding and improving the overall customer experience. Here’s how experience mapping supports customer-centric strategies:

Experience mapping offers several benefits for businesses:

  1. Consumer Focus: Businesses may better satisfy consumer expectations by customizing their products, services, and processes by placing the customer at the centre of the analysis.
  2. Insight into Customer experience: Experience mapping gives businesses a visual depiction of the whole customer experience, making it possible to pinpoint pain points and crucial moments for focused enhancements.
  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: Organizations can decide how best to allocate resources and prioritize improvements by using data and insights obtained from customer research and feedback.
  4. Cross-Functional Collaboration: Experience mapping facilitates cross-functional collaboration by guaranteeing that all teams have a common concept of the client journey and collaborate to provide a seamless experience.
  5. Continuous Assessment: Continuous Experience mapping offers a framework for continuous assessment and improvement, allowing companies to modify and adapt their strategies in response to shifting consumer demands and market conditions.

Examples of Successful Customer-Centric Companies Utilizing Experience Mapping

Customer-centricity demonstrates that this is a dynamic field that changes to meet the ever-changing requirements and expectations of its clients rather than a static concept. Here are a few customer-centric strategies that have grown to be essential for the best customer-focused companies.

  • Hyper-personalization by Amazon

Individualized marketing is no longer a satisfactory approach for customers. They desire experiences that are specifically catered to their tastes. Hyper-personalization is the process of creating highly customized customer journeys using AI, machine learning, and data analytics.

As an illustration, when you visit the Amazon website, product recommendations are displayed to you based on your past searches and purchases. Amazon may make recommendations for similar products, such as hiking boots or outdoor equipment if you’ve been shopping for hiking gear.

  • Voice of the Customer (VoC) analytics by AirBnB

Customer feedback collection and analysis has always been crucial, but it’s getting more complex. VoC analytics uses cutting-edge technologies to gather and analyze user input from a variety of online sources, including social media, reviews, and polls.

As an illustration, the international home-sharing network Airbnb gathers and examines host and visitor feedback using VoC analytics. They make use of this input to enhance client experiences, increase listing quality, and resolve issues or pain spots, which results in better lodging and happy tourists.

  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) by IKEA

The way that consumers interact with goods and services is changing as a result of AR and VR technologies. For instance, retailers are utilizing augmented reality (AR) to give customers immersive shopping experiences by letting them virtually try on clothes or see products in their homes. Decision-making and customer engagement are improved by this trend.

As an illustration, the Swedish furniture company IKEA has an augmented reality software that lets you digitally arrange furniture in living areas. This makes it easier for customers to see how IKEA products will fit in their homes before making a purchase.

  • Self-service and AI chatbots by Delta Airlines

There is a growing trend among customers to seek expedient and effective self-service alternatives. Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbots are getting better at instantly answering consumer questions. They can do repetitive jobs, freeing up human agents to concentrate on more difficult problems. This popular practice lowers service costs while simultaneously raising client happiness.

As an illustration, Delta Airlines uses AI chatbots on its mobile app and website to let users rebook tickets, track baggage in real time, and check flight status. Without the need for customer support, these chatbots assist travelers in effectively handling common travel tasks.

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Steps to Implementing Experience Mapping

Step 1: Identify Key Customer Touchpoints

The first thing in experience mapping is to find out the essential touchpoints where the customers relate to your brand. Such touchpoints could be of a consumer visiting a website, contacting customer support, buying a product, or using a product/service. Once businesses comprehend these touchpoints, they can seize their efforts on areas that carry the highest impact on customer experience.

Step 2: Get Customer Opinion and Data

When key touchpoints are identified, it becomes crucial to collect customer feedback and data to understand the various experiences at the different phases. This is done by means of surveys, interviews, social media monitoring, and by going through customer conversations. Through the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data, companies are better placed to get a comprehensive understanding of customer preferences, needs, and behavioural patterns.

Step 3: Create Customer Personas

Businesses can create customer personas that represent various segments or groups of their prospective customers using customer feedback and data. Customer personas are fictitious characters that represent the demographics, preferences, and behaviours of the average customer. Through the identification of these personas, businesses can create products, services, and marketing campaigns that better suit customer needs.

For a complete list of the datasets used in the rubric, please refer to [here](./instructions.md). Note that for some datasets, submissions may be less strict as the rugby scores will vary due to the game being played throughout the year.

From the gathered insights and customer personas, the next step is to create a map of the entire customer journey, right from the beginning. “This involves visualizing each point of contact and interaction that a customer undergoes as well as their feelings, thoughts, and behaviours at each stage.” Customer journey maps are a way to see the customer experience as a whole and find problem areas.

Step 4: Analyze and Iterate

After the customer journey is mapped out, businesses need to examine the results and identify areas of further refinement. This may include streamlining functions, improving the communication channels, or technology implementation to provide better customer service. It is necessary to keep on the experience mapping process constantly reiterating the process to gather customer needs and market dynamics changes.

The Difference Experience Mapping Can Make to Business Success

Experience mapping can help your business in a lot of ways. Let’s check a few ways mentioned below:

1. Improved Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

The advantage of experience mapping lies in the fact that it can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Through highlighting pains and matching customers\’ needs, businesses are able to provide a smooth and delightful customer experience. Satisfied customers are more likely to become brand advocates that are loyal to the brand, hence, resulting in the lowering of churn rates and positive word-of-mouth among the social circle.

2. More sales and revenue

A good customer experience is the key to greater sales and revenues. The customers will return to make purchases again and refer the brand to others if they are satisfied with the experience. Moreover, optimizing the customer journey helps minimize the points where customers can drop during the selling process, thus, increasing conversion rates and revenue.

3. Brands with a good reputation have a better chance of being noticed by consumers.

Experience mapping too one of the key players in building a brand image. It helps your brand to stand out. A business that puts consumers first will be noticeable in a busy market and will establish a lasting reputation for quality and dependability. Businesses can make themselves stand out by providing outstanding interactions at each of the touchpoints and therefore have lasting relationships with customers.

Future Trends in Experience Mapping

 Experience mapping is an ideal strategy to take a closer look into the customer experience, but the future trends should also be watched so you do not miss out on anything. Here are a few trends in experience mapping which must be given weightage to keep your customers satisfied and loyal to your brand:

 1. Using Digital Diaries:

Today, modern age is marked by digitalization. With the conventional research methods not being enough for the journey mapping, there is a need for a more modernized approach. Digital diaries provide a unique chance to entertain customers on a voluntary basis by getting them to tell the story of their lives from their point of view.

The moderated diaries allow customers to cooperate at their convenience, they also provide registered users with detailed information and a chance to interact with the firm through online platforms. Digital diaries not only provide a space to discuss the sensitive topics but also provide a core for further one-to-one interviews, which make the depth of understanding an individual’s needs and experience more in-depth.

2. Leveraging Machine Learning and AI:

As a result of the rapid expansion of online exchanges and social media platforms, companies face a huge mass of customer feedback and data. Machine learning and AI can be used to solve the problem of big data by analyzing it to derive actionable insights. Through customer journey mapping, businesses can tap into the technology integration to gather information about customer preferences, behaviours, and sentiments. This data-pushed method turns journey maps more actionable, thus businesses can identify moments of fact and pinpoint places where you need to make enhancements.

3. Linking to Quantitative Data:

Although qualitative research is helpful in providing customer experience insights, it is only when qualitative research are linked to quantitative data that their effectiveness is enhanced. Through the combining of journey maps with CRM databases and other qualitative sources, businesses can trace customer feedback, measure customer satisfaction, and define performance gaps.

The quantitative data showcases the areas where they can clearly identify improvement points and employ their efforts on achieving the real effect of customer experience. Through the analysis of the interdependence of customer needs and business results, companies can accelerate innovation and gain a competitive advantage.

4. Personalization and Hyper-Targeting:

In today’s competitive marketplace the customers demand personalization that is customized to their individual needs and preferences. Personalization is the process of using data and knowledge to personalize the interactions, messages and offers for each customer. The level of personalization is raised a notch by hyper-targeting which divides customers into very specific groups through demographics, behaviour, or other factors.

By combining personalization and hyper-targeting into the customer journey maps, the companies can produce more relevant and interesting experiences that fit the audience and lead to better engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty.

5. Integration with Emerging Technologies (AI, VR, AR):

The new technologies including AI, VR, as well as AR are revolutionizing the way organizations run business. Through embedding these technologies into customer journey mapping processes, organisations can create enriching and content-rich experiences that will make the journey real. For example, AI-assisted chatbots could supply users with round-the-clock assistance during their entire customer journey, while VR/AR technologies let clients explore products or services in a virtual world.

Using these technologies, businesses not only get unique opportunities to stand out among the competitors but also stimulate creativity levels and provide remarkable, attention- capturing, and fun experiences to customers at all stages of their journey.


Experience mapping is an effective means for business that aims at improving customer experience and achieving business success. Using the information in the guide, companies can find out more about what their customers want, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and thus stand out in the market. In the long run, investing in user journey mapping should not only be targeted at meeting customer expectations but also at attaining sustainable growth and profitability.

User journey mapping is a pivotal activity for those who want to stay on top of the game currently. Through visualization and understanding of the customer journey, businesses can capture and eliminate the pain points, enhance customer satisfaction, and attain long-term success. Experience mapping enables companies to identify themselves with their customers, create products and services that will meet their needs, and thereby establish their identity in the market.

It is imperative to lay emphasis on the customer journey to ensure you offer a great customer experience. Recognizing key moments and getting customer feedback are both essential stages in the experience mapping process. Building customer personas allows businesses to feel people’s pain and deliver relevant interactions. Visualizing customer journeys gives businesses insights into areas that need improvement and enables better experiences for customers. The analysis of the experience mapping effect on the main business metrics is critical to measure the success such as customer satisfaction, loyalty, sales, and revenue.

Moreover, becoming aware of the future trends in experience mapping is critical for businesses planning to improve their customer journey mapping. Digital diaries shift the focus from what customers say to what they do, machine learning and AI uncover behavioural patterns and trends, and linking to quantitative data provides a comprehensive understanding of the customer journey, enabling businesses to deliver stellar experiences that increase customer satisfaction and retention.

In short, experience mapping enables businesses to forge stronger ties with their customers enhance their growth and drive the competition. Through personalized customer experience and utilizing results that were gained from experience maps, businesses can discover new opportunities and become sustainably successful in the fast-paced market.

**The primary author of this staff article is Sakshi John


Here’s more on customer journey and customer experiences:

Catch Episode 188 of The SalesStar Podcast: Optimizing Customer Journeys with Debbie Braney, Vice President, Demand & Brand Marketing at Glassbox

Catch Episode 174 of The SalesStar Podcast: B2B Customer Engagement with Mike Molinet, Co-Founder, Thena

Catch Episode 170 of The SalesStar Podcast: Creating Connected Brand Experiences: with Jamie Adams, Chief Growth Officer at Scorpion

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