Digital Element Announces Industry’s First IP-To-Point-Of-Interest Database for Reaching On-The-Go Consumers

New NetAcuity POI Database Gives Marketers Geo-Contextual Points of Interest Within 100 Meters

Digital Element, the global geolocation data and services provider, announced its new NetAcuity Point of Interest (POI) Database, a first-of-its-kind IP-to-POI dataset that helps to identify consumers in the immediate vicinity of nearby points of interest.

Leveraging its unique Mobility Index, which indicates whether an IP address is fixed or mobile, and the company’s machine-learning methodologies, Digital Element has made the missing connection between stationary IPs, their locations, and the points of interest around on-the-go users connecting via static IPs. This gives marketers a list of POIs within 100 meters of a consumer, and includes businesses in such categories as retail stores, restaurants, gas stations, hospitals, churches, etc.

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Digital Element’s proprietary algorithms and data scientists leverage multiple inputs that will return either a one-to-one relationship for an IP address, or will provide a list of the closest POIs. By ingesting device-derived data and partner-derived POI data, the company’s unique dataset allows marketers to target consumers in real time and to attribute historical IP traffic to potential real-world foot traffic in and around brick-and-mortar locations, adding context and insights to consumer behavior from online IP traffic.

The POI database values include Instance (i.e. name of the POI such as “Starbucks” or “Red Lobster”); Category (i.e. the category for the given POI such as “Restaurants”); and ID (i.e. the NAICS numeric value for the category). For example, should a marketer want to target a category such as “Restaurants,” and a specific business within that category—such as “Bob’s National Burger Chain,”—there is the option to target on a national scale, as well as geographical regions, DMAs, city-level and more, allowing even greater segmentation and measurement control.

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“We’ve seen a growing demand for Point-of-Interest data in today’s highly mobile marketplace where companies are starved for any type of reliable intelligence that could give them a competitive advantage in terms of engaging with consumers in real time,” said Rob Friedman, co-founder and executive vice president, Digital Element. “While marketers have long recognized the value of knowing consumers’ geographic locations, they are coming to realize how other geo-contextual data points can accentuate and extend their marketing efforts. Because Digital Element is already delivering the most accurate geolocation data in the industry, we felt the company was in the perfect position to provide a highly reliable IP to POI dataset of real-world places that matter―something that has been missing in the marketplace.”

Digital Element’s NetAcuity Solution Suite delivers the most accurate data in the industry. The solution’s global accuracy is more than 99.9 percent at the country level and is up to 97+ percent accurate at a city level. As for coverage, NetAcuity provides coverage for 99.9999 percent of the Internet and collects more than one million points-of-view daily. This type of accuracy and coverage is unmatched in the geolocation space.

The NetAcuity POI Database is immediately available in the United States and Canada, with plans for international availability in early 2019.

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