Data-Science Learning Platform to Offer 1-Month Free Access to Online Content

365 Data Science Learning Platform to Offer 1-Month Free Access

Month-long promotional campaign by 365 Data Science Ltd. to coincide with launch of learning platform’s revamped website

365 Data Science, an online training platform for aspiring data science and business analytics professionals, will provide 100% free access to all its online content for a one-month period starting Monday (Oct. 18). “Along with showcasing the features of our new website,, the campaign will give students and people without prior experience a chance – without cost or commitment – to discover the data science field for the very first time,” Ned Krastev, CEO of 365 Data Science Ltd., says. Marketing Technology News: Kayne Partners Named to Inc.’s 2021 List of Founder-Friendly Investors

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The initiative will provide 100% free access to the revamped website’s entire content library for a full 30 days, from Oct. 18 (15:00 GMT+1) to Nov. 18 (14:59 GMT+1).

‘Unprecedented Levels of Engagement’
It won’t be the first time that 365 Data Science has offered free access to its online content. A similar campaign in March and April of last year was met with phenomenal success, drawing more than 100,000 new students from all over the world, including both experienced and aspiring data science professionals. During last year’s campaign, visitors to the site viewed a combined total of between 1 and 2 million minutes of educational content per day. “We saw unprecedented levels of engagement that clearly demonstrated the rapidly growing interest in the field of data and data science,” Krastev says.

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“Now we want to celebrate our rebranding efforts, along with our new-and-improved product line, by bringing back the Free Month initiative,” he adds. “And we expect to see an equally positive response this time around.”

Designed for Optimal Learning Experience
The upcoming campaign will coincide with the launch of 365 Data Science’s redesigned website, which, company officials say, will be bigger, better, and more user-friendly than its predecessor. “After months of hard work and user-experience research, the website has been completely retooled with a view to providing the optimal learning experience,” Krastev explains. “Along with helping users expand their skill-sets, the site – and its many upgraded features – can provide invaluable assistance in the job-seeking process.”

365 Data Science Ltd. offers industry-leading courses designed to assist aspiring professionals interested in data science and related fields. Since it was founded in 2017, roughly 1.5 million people have trusted 365 Data Science to improve their skills, compile resumes, and launch – and maintain – successful careers in the industry.

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