AHA Channel to Mint 25,000 Indie Video Clips as NFTs in Abris.io


Aha Channel owns online videos that include clips of animation, documentaries, shorts, and features, new and vintage films. Aha Channel is dropping these as NFT’s in Abris.io NFT Marketplace Storefront. Video clips can be Rented or Owned by paying in Algos in Abris NFT Store Front.

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Aha Channel videos will put a smile on your face, make you blow your top, will shock and awe you… but will never leave you bored!

Aha Channel also has a great selection of Action/Adventure, Art, Children/Family, Comedy, Crime/Thrillers/Mystery, Drama, Erotic, Experimental, History, Horror, Indigenous Cultures, LGBTQ, Music, Political/Social Issues, Religions, Romance, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Sports, Western, Women’s Focus, and World clips.

We are excited to have AHA Channel launching in Abris NFT Store Front. Independent filmmakers can monetize their creations by creating NFTs of their content and media.
—–Priya Samant, CEO, Abris.io

About AHA channel, owned by MediaFusion Entertainment, LLC
The Aha Team is dedicated to the promotion of the independent film. Our team includes industry people from all sectors. They include founder/President Carol Bidault de l’Isle, an award-winning producer, specializing in international motion picture/television financing, distribution, media asset acquisitions, and management. She brings with her 30 years of industry experience in the United States, Europe, and Latin America. Ms. Bidault is a recipient of the US Department of State Secretary’s Open Forum for Outstanding Contribution to international cultural affairs and support to media arts (2002); as well as other awards and recognition in the film industry.

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