SkyPoint Cloud (SkyPoint), the privacy-first customer data platform that enables consumer and healthcare brands to build deeper relationships with their customers, today announced the launch of SkyPoint Resolve, an affordable and scalable identity resolution SaaS product powered by machine learning, which provides consistent customer profiles, fraud detection and compliance.

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SkyPoint unifies fragmented demographic, transactional, behavioral, and observational data from multiple systems and applications into comprehensive “customer 360” profiles, providing business and technology users with the tools to secure, govern and access relevant customer data.

With SkyPoint Resolve, businesses use SkyPoint’s machine learning capabilities to deduplicate and optimize customer profiles, locate and fix data gaps and inconsistencies, detect key identity data across disparate systems and applications, and group profiles based on households, organizations and other categories.

“Fragmented identity data resulting in inaccurate insights and misattributed audiences cost organizations billions of dollars each year,” said Tisson Mathew, CEO and Founder of SkyPoint Cloud. “SkyPoint Resolve is the most cost-effective and scalable solution creating the single source of identity that organizations can truly rely on to get an understanding of their customers and save time and money by eliminating incorrect, or outdated information. Our clients are seeing 128% improvement in real customer reach and 52% cost savings compared to legacy solutions.”

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By having one, unified customer profile across an interoperable data platform, organizations have access to complete, organized customer data, including use cases such as enterprise master patient index (EMPI) in healthcare, that allows a deeper understanding of their customers so they can optimize campaigns, increase sales, and improve customer engagement – all while maintaining privacy compliance.

“These insights enable companies in healthcare, financial services, hospitality, retail, ecommerce and more to engage with customers and understand their individual identities,” said Joelle Poe, Chief Product Officer at SkyPoint Cloud. “Even with millions of customers, brands can easily keep up with customers and their journey within a company to understand the best ways to engage and support them.”

The algorithmic linking of customer records, bringing multiple identities together from across touchpoints, fills in incomplete or inaccurate data gaps. The machine learning algorithms within SkyPoint Resolve also help with fraud detection, identifying who the true customer is and flagging fake profiles.

SkyPoint’s clients include iconic healthcare, ecommerce and retail, hospitality, and sports and media brands, including Wyld, Vivante Health, the Ace Hotel and the Portland Timbers.

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