Agillic Welcomes Its Ninth NGO Organization, Expanding Its Local And International Support To Third Sector Clients

Agillic Welcomes Its Ninth NGO Organization, Expanding Its Local And International Support To Third Sector Clients

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the public’s desire to help others remains steady, if not even greater. A report from the Swedish Fundraising Association1 shows a sharp decline in donations from companies during 2020 – yet over 60% of charities stated that contributions from the public increased. The total level of donations remained the same as the previous year.

To unlock these donations, the role of marketing automation has been more important than ever in the past two years. To overcome restrictions and reach willing donors, more and more charity organisations are looking to digital channels. According to a November 2020 poll by the British Charities Aid Foundation,2 almost half of UK charities (47 %) had already changed the way that they fundraised due to the pandemic, whilst just over half (53 %) said they needed to make a shift to a more online fundraising approach because of the crisis.

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Better customer experiences at the Danish Red Cross

For those organisations which have already adopted digital tools, the benefits are clear. An example is the Danish Red Cross, which has used Agillic for their fundraising communication since 2019. With Agillic’s flexible data model, they have built optimised communication flows and have increased efficiency in both text and email communication. Says Charlotte Albrechtsen Christensen, Head of Individual Giving and Fundraising at the Danish Red Cross:

Agillic supports our strategic objective of creating loyalty – and on an operational level, the platform enables us to be more efficient in our daily work.

Fundraising innovation at DanChurchAid

Another example is DanChurchAid, who has been using Agillic to reimagine their digital fundraising approach since 2019. Kenneth Andersen, Digital Project Manager at DanChurchAid comments:

“Fortunately, a lot of people wish to support DanChurchAid. Part of our job is to make it as easy as possible for them to do so by reaching them in the relevant channels. We also have an obligation to spend the funds we are given wisely, meaning working effectively, to be able to pass as much as possible on to people in need. It is part of our core values to continually innovate and rethink our approach both in the field and in our fundraising and communication activities. And this is what we see the Agillic platform can help us do – and in the process of selecting our new customer marketing platform, we discovered there are a lot of qualified Agillic competencies that can help us fulfil our ambitions.”

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More money left for the cause

For Agillic, NGOs and charities represent a high-priority industry with great potential. With our recent win, today there are nine organisations within the industry on our client list, including DanChurchAid, Hjerteforeningen, Børn Vilkår, and the Red Cross in Denmark and Sweden. For these clients, benefits include personalised flows to increase loyalty, a higher degree of efficiency in fundraising activities, and a seamless experience across owned and paid media. Put simply, Agillic’s NGO and charity clients use our platform to increase their donations and, therefore, their impact.

Emre Gürsoy, CEO of Agillic comments:

Working with the NGO and charity industry feels especially meaningful and rewarding for us, and we are happy more and more organisations are discovering the difference our software can make, especially in these times. Attracting and retaining loyal donors with respectful and personalised communication – and spending less money on administration and more on the cause – are true benefits for our clients.”

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