Outbrain Co-Authors New IAB Report on Short Term vs. Long Term Profitability

Outbrain Co-Authors New IAB Report on Short Term vs. Long Term Profitability

The Report Addresses How This Issue Impacts Revenue Strategies of Online Media Publishers and Their Advertising Goals

Outbrain, the world’s leading discovery and native advertising platform on the open web, announced today that it has partnered with the IAB, in collaboration with AdRizer and The E.W. Scripps Company, to introduce a best practices guide for publishers on Short Term vs. Long Term Profitability. The report addresses how publishers can find a healthy, audience-centric balance of both, without letting the consumer experience suffer at the hands of short-term decision-making.

“Outbrain has long been a meaningful revenue partner for publishers,” said Matt Peterson, Head of Audience Development, NA, at Outbrain. “As we’ve grown, we’ve become more attuned to the specific goals and metrics needed to be successful. Our core partnership stance is not simply maximizing CPMs, rather, it’s balancing the need for the highest-possible revenue with a softer touch on guiding consumers through a holistic journey to long-term loyalty. We can’t wait to continue experiencing, and supporting, the evolution of the industry toward a more consumer-driven approach.”

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As part of the guide process, IAB’s Automation Committee recruited a Working Group, consisting of three different perspectives of a publisher, an agency and a platform, to address how this issue impacts revenue strategies of online media publishers, and their advertising goals. All parties explored various strategies, metrics, and recommendations to determine which matter most in Short-Term vs. Long-Term profitability strategies.

“Performance-based advertising companies are under constant pressure to drive profitability for their customers. The strategies for driving long-term revenue are different than those required to deliver short-term revenue,” said Tim Wall, VP of Partnerships at AdRizer. “While short-term tactics can show revenue and profitability on a daily basis, long term tactics can take months or years before showing the impact of these investments.”

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Deriving value from short-term and long-term consumers are equally important and viable strategies. Often, short-term readers can be misunderstood to mean someone who visits one time only, never to be seen again. In this report, the Working Group aims to distill these notions. Instead, it looks at various tactics to reach these susceptible visitors and possibly transition them into long-term, loyal subscribers.

“Publishers are increasingly looking for methods for creating a best-in-class user experience that also supports revenue growth strategies,” said Brandon Beard, Director, Passive Revenue at The E.W. Scripps Company. “Over the past few years, the traditional methods for engaging audiences have significantly altered the ways in which publishers monetize the user experience. Through this report, we hope to educate others within the industry on how to continuously identify and alter audience growth strategy to profitably attract a wide funnel of users while being able to drive truly engaged users further into the experience.”

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