DatChat, Inc. , a communications and social media company that gives users the ability to communicate, share, and post with privacy and screenshot protection, announced the release of the Nirad Points Rewards Program (NRD), with the first 1 million users receiving 10,000 NRD Points.
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Using a “Proof of Participation” protocol, users can earn NRD Points through active participation on the DatChat Social Network+ platform, including creating an account, daily login, adding friends, allowing advertisements, and growing your DatChat network. NRD Points may be used for premium services, upgrades, and ecommerce on the DatChat Social Network+ platform. The first 10 million users on the DatChat Social Network+ platform will receive a grant of NRD points for creating and maintaining an account. Users can keep track of the rewards they earn in the Nirad Wallet, found on the DatChat Social Network+ app. The Company is also considering and exploring the feasability of having NRD Points be convertible into tokens, following the launch of the DatChat Blockchain, subject to legal requirements and the terms of service for the Rewards Program. This feature would allow holders to show “Proof of Stake” on the DatChat blockchain.
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“We see this as a unique opportunity to vastly accelerate the growth of the DatChat platform by attracting new users that understand and appreciate the importance of blockchain and privacy technology,” said Darin Myman, CEO of DatChat. “The Nirad will underpin our blockchain network and power our platform through the engagement of our community.”
Exchangeable for paid services and enhancements within the DatChat ecosystem, NRD Points can only be earned through participation, not purchased, and founders and employees of DatChat will receive no points that they do not earn through activity on the DatChat platform.