Web3 Ventures Completes Strategic Investment in Decentralized Social Media Network, Column

Web3 Ventures Completes Strategic Investment in Decentralized Social Media Network, Column

Web3 Ventures Inc. , a platform company focused on incubating, accelerating, and developing world class projects and applications for the decentralized web, is pleased to announce that it has completed a strategic investment in Column, a decentralized social media network focused on generating, socially-validating, and incentivizing high-quality, topic-specific discussions.

With past experience from Amazon, Facebook, Spotify, and multiple technology startups, Column’s core team is leveraging web3 to influence and build an intelligent social community, giving content and therefore users a value.

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Billed as a decentralized intelligence network, Column’s platform revolves around the concept of empowering users to pull signal from noise, positioning high-quality content from subject matter experts to the top of a reader’s feed, or ‘Column’. For example, a reader looking to track emerging technologies could join a ‘Column’ for that topic, and instantly receive a content stream on that subject from authors that the platform’s users have deemed reputable.

Columns are sensibility-specific rooms: they can be public or private. In them, you can follow professional fields, discover new ideas, share information, and discuss. Typically, they are invite-only. Members of the platform can join as many Columns as they want. Some Columns are large and public, others are small and private. Columns persist for as long as they are useful. Some Columns may encompass a whole field and will last for decades, and some may be more temporary.

Web3 Ventures’ core investment pillars are identity, communication, and gaming. W3V believes that the future of social media will be driven and heavily-influenced by decentralized communities, and Column offers a unique model that incentivizes the creation of community, as well as the digital identity aspect of reputational currency and community content validation. Column’s network and its further development has them well positioned to capitalize on these trends, and W3V sees multiple synergistic partnership and collaborative opportunities to accelerate Column’s user adoption through the projects, companies, and applications that W3V is developing and accelerating internally.

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