ProjectManager Recognized as a Top Project Management Software Solution by Capterra Users

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ProjectManager, a leading project and work management solution for hybrid teams, announced it was recognized as a top-ranked solution on the recently-released Capterra IT Project Management Software Shortlist. The Capterra Shortlist is an independent assessment that evaluates user reviews and online search activity to generate a list of market leaders in the software space.

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With an overall rating of 4.1 out of 5, ProjectManager is one of the top-rated products on Capterra in six categories, including:

  • Best IT Project Management Software
  • Best Strategic Planning Software
  • Best Product Management Software
  • Best Product Roadmap Software
  • Best Resource Management Software
  • Best Project Portfolio Management Software

According to a Capterra reviewer, “This application (ProjectManager) possesses many advanced features which makes it stand out as a very resourceful tool in project management. It is easy to monitor in real time the ongoing projects from the project control panel which is easily customized.”

“We’re very pleased to be recognized by Capterra reviewers as a top Project Management software solution,” said Shawn Dickerson, Vice President of Marketing, ProjectManager. “As hybrid teams – which are separated by geography, work style and other factors – become the new normal, ProjectManager has differentiated itself as an ideal solution for those groups, offering multiple work views, global collaboration and a quick path to the data and insights team members need to be successful.”

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