MarTech Interview with Simon Kvist Gaulshoj, CEO, Adnami

Martech Series caught up with Simon Kvist Gaulshøj, CEO of Adnami, on the power of high impact advertising formats and what this means for the sector.


Can you tell us a little about what these studies have shown?

In a nutshell they proved that high impact formats do not just capture the consumer’s attention but have the power to create an emotional connection and drive brand engagement. Dentsu UK’s Unlocking the new currency of Attention found that video on demand generated over 9,000 attentive seconds per thousand impressions, versus 249 for standard display, while OMD Denmark together with research company Userneeds found that High impact formats generated 10 times more attention per thousand impressions compared to standard display.

Can you put that into context for us?

To be successful, advertising must broadly seek to achieve three outcomes: it must stand out to grab people’s attention, it must ensure the brand and its message registers with the audience, and it must provoke recall after the event. When it comes to high impact ads, even with fleeting moments of dwell time, significant uplift is achieved in all areas. In a world where attention is the holy grail, that cannot be underestimated.

Do you anticipate these studies having an impact on the discipline?

Absolutely. It serves to verify what we already know at Adnami, and documenting this supports everything we tell our customers and clients is essential in a. Marketers know better than anyone how hard it can be to capture people’s attention when they are online, but these separate reports provide incontestable evidence that high impact, and particularly video within high impact formats, should be on every brand’s radar.

What makes high impact ads so unique?

Creativity is the single most important factor in advertising – indeed, according to a study by Nielsen Institute, an ad’s creative execution contributes to 56% of sales generated from digital advertising – but display has been reduced to nothing but a tactical performance channel, when it can be so much more – as we have proved. High impact advertising offers unlimited creativity, and it does not need to be a complex process. We offer standardisation that enables brands to buy high impact ads programmatically at scale, ensuring ease of use that effective automation can bring.

What difference does standardisation make to the creative output of high impact ads?

Up to 90% of digital advertising today is traded programmatically via global marketing platforms, but these platforms do not support effective transactions for high impact creative. In the past publishers have outsourced the sales of their premium products to agencies or large networks because managing programmatic is hard to do in-house. With Adnami is offering that no longer happens. It simplifies creative build and buying processes and dramatically increases the creative impact of programmatic display advertising, enabling greater control for publishers over their significant assets, and offering far greater creative impact for brands.

Finally, what does the timing of these reports mean for marketers?

These reports have arrived in a highly interesting time, where the industry is trying to work out what life in media and technology looks like after the cookie apocalypse. Everyone is looking at alternative technology tools and tactics to drive effectiveness. Anything that contributes to untangle the complexities within programmatic, improves creative quality, and end of the day delivers better returns for advertisers, are in a good position for the time ahead of us.


Adnami is high impact advertising platform delivers astonishing ad experiences for consumers and accelerated returns for publishers and brands. Adnami’s templated and platform-agnostic approach to high impact advertising, provides a scalable and automated solution to run attention-grabbing and impactful advertising campaigns.

Simon is driven by a high need to learn new things and continuously develop his digital skills, which has made him an acknowledge expert in the online media field. Simon is a dynamic and hard-working leader. He trust his team, and makes an effort to create an environment, where people can grow and develop their skills.


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