Announces Solution for Customer Ad Match Targeting Announces Solution for Customer Ad Match Targeting, Inc. announces a third-party intent data capability to help B2B marketers run efficient paid ad campaigns even as Google ends 3rd party cookie targeting. Contact level intent data is combined with granular buying journey and intent insights for effective targeting. Appended email addresses ensure high customer match and custom audience match rates.

Google’s March 3rd announcement left B2B marketers with limited first party data scrambling to find alternatives for ad targeting. General “cohorts” will likely be inherently less efficient because they’ll lack the specific targeting insights important for segmentation and messaging. IntentData’s contact level intent data fills the gap with even richer detail for better, more tightly targeted ad campaigns.

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Although marketers have known cookie based targeting would eventually end, Google’s announcement has shocked many marketers and revealed a gap in their lead generation programs. We’re really excited to offer not just a workaround, but a solution that can outperform the original approach.

“Although marketers have known cookie based targeting would eventually end, Google’s announcement has shocked many marketers and revealed a gap in their lead generation programs,” says Ed Marsh, CRO of “We’re really excited to offer not just a workaround, but a solution that can outperform the original approach.”’s contact level third party purchase intent data is sourced via observation of actions taken publicly by users across the entire structured and unstructured web. After filtering for ICP and other targeting attributes, those actions are reported including specific detail on the relevant content key terms, specific competitor interactions and more. Those details, along with firmographics, optional Contextualâ„¢ Technographic Data, and the seniority/function information embedded in provided job titles can be used to infer stage in buying journey, current situation, problem to solve, goal sought and more.

This enables very specific targeting segmentation to ensure that messaging is appropriate for the buyer’s role, stage in buying journey and business objectives. The data is reported with several appended email addresses which often provide exceptional match rates.

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That’s how’s contact level third party data can supplement first party data for audience match to support paid ad programs. And the very granular and specific insights accumulated across the entire web provide far more effective targeting, and therefore more efficient ad campaigns, than traditional cookie based programs or solutions based on vague cohorts or limited first party data.

Marsh continues “We’ve had clients tell us of match rates as high as 50-60% in many cases, and even >90% in some specific instances. And the specific detail we provide empowers B2B marketers to execute brilliantly effective targeting that can substantially boost click through rates (CTR) and reduce the cost/lead (CPL.)”

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