DatChat To Launch Metaverse Advertising and NFT Monetization Platform

DatChat To Launch Metaverse Advertising and NFT Monetization Platform

DatChat Opens Pre-Sale Registration of its 5,000 VenVūū Dynamic Content NFTs

DatChat, Inc. , a communications and social media company that gives users the ability to communicate, share, and post with privacy and screen capture protection, today announced it will launch the VenVūū metaverse advertising and NFT monetization platform. DatChat also opened pre-sale registration for its new VenVūū Dynamic Content NFT on the VenVūū.io website.

VenVūū is an advertising platform that allows metaverse landowners and brands to connect using DatChat’s proprietary patented and patent pending technology. The platform provides metaverse landowners an easy and consolidated way to monetize their holdings by opting into paid ad campaigns that advertisers offer them. Brands will have the ability to run campaigns across the NFT advertising network that target the land parcels they want to reach, simultaneously across multiple metaverses.

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“We believe this to be a landmark moment for the Metaverse, as it is the first simple solution allowing users to monetize their metaverse parcels while enabling brands a broad reach in the metaverse,” said DatChat CEO Darin Myman. “Each VenVūū Dynamic NFT is a unique NFT like owning your own multi-media outlet that you own and control in ‘Your World’. Not only will this create unique opportunities for supporters of DatChat, but will also be a significant contributor to our Company’s ability to grow our top-line.”

The VenVūū Dynamic Content NFT enables metaverse parcel owners to link their parcels with the VenVūū protocol in a simple and easy manner. Parcel owners opt in to campaigns that are being offered by advertisers, and advertisers can offer campaigns to landowners based on targeting criteria. Initially, campaigns will consist of video or static ads but anticipate expanding the type of media formats supported to include 3D images, virtual product placements and wearables later in 2022. Users can begin minting April 26, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. EST on the VenVūū website using either a crypto wallet or credit card.

There are as many as 268,645 parcels in the “Big Four” Metaverses worth billions of dollars, and over one million active NFT wallets.

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