IZEA Delivers Best All-Time Monthly Bookings in April 2021

IZEA Adds Two New Fortune 500 Companies as Clients

IZEA Worldwide, Inc. , the premier provider of influencer marketing technology, data, and services for the world’s leading brands, announced today that it has set an all-time record for the month of April as the best month of total bookings in its 15 years of business. The company has been awarded influencer marketing contracts by two multi-billion-dollar Silicon Valley tech companies, along with a variety of other contracts awarded in the last weeks of April. The month of April was particularly strong in the technology sector, with IZEA adding several prominent tech brands to the client roster and expanding relationships with multiple others.

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Managed Services Tops 60% YoY Q2 Bookings Growth To Date

Managed Services bookings for Q2 2021 thus far have already grown more than 60% as compared to all of Q2 2020. IZEA Managed Services bookings through the end of April already exceed managed services bookings in Q1, Q2, and Q3 of 2020, combined.

Bookings are a measure of all sales orders minus any known cancellations or refunds with respect to such sales orders or refunds. Management uses bookings to inform expectations of total sales activity. Bookings are not always an indicator of revenue for the quarter and could be subject to future adjustment. Revenue from Managed Services bookings are typically recognized over a 6-month period on average, though larger contracts may be recognized over longer periods of time.

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“This month we celebrate our 15th year in business, and I couldn’t have asked for a better way to kick off our anniversary,” said Ted Murphy, Founder, Chairman and CEO of IZEA. “Not only was April an incredible month from a bookings perspective, but the quality of customers we are attracting and retaining reaffirms our leadership position in this space. IZEA clients are seeking world-class influencer marketing technology and services across all social platforms. We are able to deliver the influencers, content, data, and support they need through unbiased multi-channel executions that deliver results.”

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