Caroda Now Offers Transparent Monetization To Publishers Via Prebid Adapter

Caroda Now Offers Transparent Monetization To Publishers Via Prebid Adapter

The Czech company, which already operates in several European markets, is getting closer to publishers and offering them a solution for transparent video advertising monetization via Prebid.

Prebid is a widely used solution for monetizing publishers’ ad space. It enables auctions via header bidding for multiple ad sources at once. Newly, the possibility of connecting video advertising via the prebid adapter is also offered by the ad-tech company Caroda. With this move, Caroda’s solution is now among the prebid adapters of the most well-known brands in the ad-tech field.

However, Caroda offers one interesting benefit. This company is always looking for ways to increase advertising transparency. It’s in its DNA. All its solutions meet all IAB standards and go even further. However, only fair and transparent advertising is not what it wants to differentiate itself from the competition. In addition to this, it comes with advertising formats that help publishers reach higher revenues.

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One such example is the Outstream Carousel. Caroda has great expertise in Outstream formats and Carousel is proof of that. This format displays multiple ads in a row, which increases the yield from one ad placement. In addition, ads are repetitive, which enhances user’s interaction and leads to CPMs growth. However, the company has a variety of Outstream formats that are ready for publishers and advertisers.

We still see a lot of fraud going on in the online video advertising field. That’s why we want to help publishers and be more accessible to them with a solution for transparent monetization of the video advertising space. That’s why we have brought all our technologies and know-how together with advertising demand sources to seamlessly connect to publisher’s header bidding,” says Roman Mura, CEO at Caroda.

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In terms of demand sources Caroda now coworking with more than 20 global SSPs and the number according to the company is still growing. Technologically, the new prebid adapter supports VAST, VPAID, and OMID standards as well as SupplyChain Object. Advertisers have the ability to verify their campaigns through Caroda with DoubleVerify, MOAT, IAS and more. “We offer publishers full support for their own SSPs and direct to video campaigns. On the other hand, we are fully prepared to increase their advertising demand through our other partners,” explains Roman Mura.

Publishers can also use the Caroda platform to manage all ad positions, formats and floor price management. The Caroda platform also includes transparent reporting across all ad positions.

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MTS Staff Writer

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