Aunalytics Vice President of Client Relationships Ryan Wilson to Speak at the Missouri Executive Management Conference; Wilson’s Talk Will Offer Insights into Leveraging Data to Compete Against National Banks

Aunalytics Introduces Enterprise Analytics as a Managed Service for Enterprises in Secondary and Tertiary Markets

Advanced Data Platform Provider Will Feature Aunalytics Daybreak for Financial Services in December as a Diamond Sponsor of the Missouri conference, as a Silver Sponsor of the Michigan Bank Management and Directors Conference, and at the Annual CUSO Conference

Aunalytics, a leading data platform company delivering Insights-as-a-Service for enterprise businesses, announced today that its Vice President of Client Relationships, Ryan Wilson, will be featured as a speaker at the Missouri Executive Management Conference, December 1-3, 2021. Wilson’s presentation, How to Leverage Your Data to Win Against National Banks, will take place on December 2. Aunalytics is a Diamond Sponsor of the conference, which will be held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in St. Louis.

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Aunalytics will feature its advanced data analytics solution for midmarket community banks at the Missouri conference, as well as at two additional financial events:

  • Michigan Bank Management and Directors Conference, December 1-3, 2021. Aunalytics will participate as a Silver Sponsor of the Michigan conference, which will be held at the Westin Book Cadillac hotel in Detroit.
  • Annual CUSO (Credit Union Service Organization) Conference, December 2-5, 2021 at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort, St. Petersburg, Florida.

Aunalytics’ Daybreak™ for Financial Services offers midsize banks and credit unions the ability to gain customer intelligence to grow their lifetime value, predict churn, determine which products to introduce to customers and when, based upon deep learning models that are informed by data. Built from the ground up, Daybreak for Financial Services is a cloud-native data platform that enables users to focus on critical business outcomes. The solution seamlessly integrates and cleanses data for accuracy, ensures data governance, and employs artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) driven analytics to glean customer intelligence and timely actionable insights that drive strategic value.

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With daily insights powered by the Aunalytics cloud-native data platform, industry intelligence, and smart features that enable a variety of analytics solutions for fast, easy access to credible data, financial services users can find the answers to such questions as:

  • Which customers with a credit score above 700 are most likely to buy a HELOC?
  • Who are my current members with a HELOC that are utilizing less than 25% of their line of credit?
  • Who are my current customers that have a loan and not a deposit account?
  • Who has a mortgage or wealth account with one of my competitors?
  • Which loans were modified from the previous day?

“Financial institutions have a massive amount of data that is typically siloed across the organization, making it difficult and time consuming to aggregate and integrate for higher business value,” said Ryan Wilson, Vice President of Client Relationships, Aunalytics. “Aunalytics Daybreak for Financial Services enables them to harness the power of their data to gain valuable insights and better target and deliver new services and solutions for their customers so they are better positioned to compete with national banks. We look forward to meeting with bankers in Missouri and Michigan, in addition to credit union service organizations, and showing how our advanced data analytics solution can help them intelligently anticipate customer needs and deliver the right products and services at the right time to increase their competitive advantage.”

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