Deloitte Ranked Highest in Market Once Again in Global Gartner Customer Strategy Consulting and Complex Customer Experience Implementations Use Cases

Deloitte Ranked Highest in Market Once Again in Global Gartner Customer Strategy Consulting and Complex Customer Experience Implementations Use Cases

Gartner, the world’s leading information technology and advisory company, scored Deloitte in several critical capabilities use cases in its July 2019 report titled, Gartner Critical Capabilities: CRM and Customer Experience Implementation Services, Worldwide. Of note, Deloitte received the highest scores for two use cases: Complex Customer Experience Implementation as well as Customer Strategy Consulting.

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According to the report, “The CRM technology implementation use case can be sourced from many providers, with requirements centered on domain (sales and service), software platform, geography and culture. Clients of CRM and customer experience (CX) implementation services identify executive commitment and business change consulting as critical in achieving desired outcomes.”

The report adds, “Executives in enterprises must identify the appropriate service providers that are best positioned to support CRM and CX projects, programs and initiatives. The breadth of CRM and CX services spans simple core CRM software deployments, to complex transformational projects requiring business strategy, business model transformation, analytics and digital design.”

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“Successful digital transformations create your business future – a future that will turn out well if you emphasize the human experience. By meeting people’s unmet needs, you can truly innovate and introduce new offerings to the market. It’s a path that circles around the customer, by first connecting to key moments in people’s lives, and then shaping experiences and the business around them,” says Andy Main, principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP and global head of Deloitte Digital. “In doing so, Deloitte is pleased to be recognized by Gartner in the customer experience and strategy-focused use cases. We have our clients, teams and alliance partners around the world to thank as well for their innovative work in making this happen.”

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