Spotify Chooses Placed for Offline Attribution Measurement

Spotify Chooses Placed for Offline Attribution Measurement

Brands That Leverage Spotify for Their Sales and Marketing Initiatives to Benefit with This Partnership

Offline attribution is one of the biggest challenges for marketers when it comes to data-driven marketing campaigns. With a lot of content on, ‘How consumers are shifting towards online shopping,’ marketers are keen to run their campaigns focused on online shopping. But are they forgetting about sales in brick-and-mortar stores? Statistics are ripe stating that 90% of consumers still choose the brick-and-mortar way for their retail shopping—with the number staying at around 80% after five years.

Clearly, offline shopping cannot be ignored. Spotify, one of the biggest online radio companies in the world and the largest in the United States, is trying to solve the problem of offline attribution. The company has partnered with Placed and will be utilizing the latter’s platform for offline attribution. Brands that propagate themselves through Spotify’s radio medium will get better insights into campaign performance and ROI due to the recently announced partnership.

“With Placed measurement tools in our wheelhouse, we were able to demonstrate our ability to drive impact where it matters most to brands such as Baskin-Robbins: foot traffic,” said Brian Berner, US Head of Sales at Spotify. “Placed’s approach to measurement and focus on consumer privacy make them an ideal partner as we look to underscore the value of Spotify for advertisers and marketers.”

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Offline Attribution versus Online Attribution

Measuring campaign performance on online mediums is easier than offline channels. The technology used for campaign measurement is highly effective and evolving every day. Statistics and reports for online sales and marketing campaigns are available almost real-time, with a plethora of B2B brands innovating newer capabilities regularly.

However, it is not the same with offline sales. Measuring campaign success is complicated in an online-marketing-offline-sales model. Brands such as Placed measure this data using device location, Wi-Fi, hotspots, beacons, etc. Thus, it becomes difficult as these measurement touchpoints are fairly rudimentary in comparison with how agile digital measurement methods are.

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What Does This Mean for Marketers?

For marketers that understand the gravity of offline attribution, the combination of Spotify and Placed is ideal. It is the holy grail for marketers that are interested in finding out the exact offline sales numbers but have struggled to do so, so far. Hence, brands that are not using Spotify for their ad campaigns, need to latch onto the platform at the earliest. This is even true for brands already advertising on Spotify.

Why Spotify? Here are a few statistics about the company:

  1. By the end of 2018, Spotify had 96 million subscribers.
  2. A maximum number of Spotify listeners are under the age of 34.
  3. The average Spotify listening session for a single user is 49 minutes.

Hence, the combined platform can be fruitful for both, B2B and B2C marketers.

More on This News…

2018 saw Spotify aggressively ramping up their platform to assist advertisers and marketers. In April, 2018, the company partnered with Brand USA to produce better advertisements. Then, Spotify worked closely with Nielsen to bolster their advertisement analytics. Lastly, the company innovated its own platform to optimize radio advertisements. The partnership is currently only applicable in the US, where Spotify is the biggest player in online radio.

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Picture of Viraj T

Viraj T

Viraj has worked in diverse industries for a decade and brings in six years of Technical Writing experience to Martech Series. As a writer, Viraj has written on a plethora of subjects and styles that include Information Technology, BlockChain, Fiction et al. When not writing Viraj loves to binge-watch Hollywood movies and American TV shows, cook, go riding and most importantly play with his cats.

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