AI and Marketing Best Practices

Artificial intelligence has been a hot topic for decades, but now, businesses everywhere are finally starting to take notice. AI is not just an interesting concept anymore – it’s becoming more and more of a necessity. In this post, we’ll talk about how you can use artificial intelligence to help write blog posts and content like never before!

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Let’s face it. Everyone wants to write more content, but most people simply don’t take the time. What if I told you that you could produce high-quality 1000 word blog posts in under ten minutes? Would you believe me?

You probably think that’s impossible, but it is possible. The key to this process lies in artificial intelligence and a few other tools we’ll discuss later on!

Here are five easy steps to get started:

Step One – Find the Topic of Your Blog Post or Content Piece

One of the simplest forms of content is the top questions your customers are asking you. Make a list of the questions you get asked each and every day, and start writing about those. For example, if you own a marketing agency as I do, you may get a question like: what is the best platform to advertise on?

There are plenty of other tools out there to find content ideas — for example buzz sumo is one great example.

Step Two – Find the Keywords

You need to find keywords that are related but not too competitive for your blog post or content piece, so it can rank higher in Google and other search engines like Bing! Make a list of five words you think would be good topics based on what people ask about most often when they come into contact with your company – then put those phrases at

least once every paragraph throughout this article (you’ll see them highlighted). The more times these key phrases show up within an individual page’s text will help increase its relevance score which is used by major ranking algorithms. While you don’t “need” keywords, I want to make sure that your content gets found online.

Step Three- Tell the software / AI tool what you want it written following a format of your choosing.

You need to have an outline at least so it doesn’t spit out random content.

One easy-to-use format is AIDA. This is an acronym for Attention, Interest and Desire. AIDA is a marketing technique that helps you to move people through the sales process by capturing their attention with relevant

information about your product or service; generating interest in what it has on offer – making them want more of this content from yourself (the seller); then giving details as requested so they can make an informed decision before buying anything at all! This format will help keep things organized while also ensuring there are no gaps between points made throughout each paragraph- one point flowing into another without any interruptions along the way:

  1. Make sure readers know how AI works
  2. Explain why using artificial intelligence tools like Scrivener
  3. Give tips when writing blog posts
  4. Provide examples
  5. Offer

Step Four – Feed the tool/engine some content.

For example, if you wanted to include a list of sorts, you could say “give me nine marketing ideas that small businesses could use to generate leads.” Ten seconds later, your output would look like this:

  1. Networking Events
  2. Social Media Platforms
  3. Email Marketing
  4. Blogging and Guest Blogging
  5. Online Advertising Campaigns
  6. Local Businesses in the Area
  7. Trade Shows and Conferences
  8. Word of Mouth Marketing Strategies (e-mail, phone calls)
  9. Referral Programs for Customers or Vendors/Suppliers to Share with Friends and Family Members

The software uses AI to produce the content. From here, you can continue the creative process and expand on different topics. Don’t like what the tool generates? Have it generate more, or rephrase the question or the output requested.

Step Five – Proofread and edit the content.

Grammar mistakes are never a good thing. Make sure someone else proofs your work. I use tools like and hire former English teachers and provide a few articles at a given time for them to proofread. This ensures the content is polished and as close to error-free as possible.

The content is now ready to publish! Keep in mind that you can always update the article and republish it as needed, so there’s no need for a new blog post every time something changes or evolves with your business model. Just

make sure any updates are reflected on all of its pages (including social media).

On a final note, I used AI to write this article. I was able to write it in just about ten minutes (not factoring in a slight distraction break from the dog). While the tool does not do everything – common sense comes into play, a post of this length would take me at least 1-2 hours to write if I had written it totally from scratch. What I have learned is that the better inputs you provide it, and the more detailed you are, the better outputs it will provide back. While there are a few tools on the market, I do have to give props to (no affiliation whatsoever), just am a huge fan of their product. At the time of writing this, I used their new long-form article tool on day one that made this possible.

The possibilities are endless. I’ve been online for over twenty years and this technology is some of the best I have ever seen in my lifetime, and it will only continue to get better and better.

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Picture of Michael Tasner

Michael Tasner

Michael Tasner is the CEO of No Joke Marketing and an award-winning author.