The last few years have been challenging for many organizations, as the pandemic forced changes in infrastructure and working patterns, and a myriad of new security threats emerged. At Lepide, we understand that many companies face significant challenges with visibility over their sensitive data, which can cause concerns about security and integrity. With Lepide Data Security Platform 21.2, we are taking the next step towards providing that visibility in a more customizable way than ever before.

Marketing Technology News: Lepide Data Security Platform 21.1 Now Scales Better Than Any Other Solution In The Market

The Lepide Data Security Platform now has a completely customizable web interface from which users can generate any number of pre-defined reports instantly, as well as edit, customize or create reports from scratch. Reports can be combined into custom dashboards so that you can access the most important information to you, all from a single web page.

The web interface, which remains in beta for now, is the first step towards a fully SaaS version of the Lepide Data Security Platform, with the objective of making enterprise-level data-centric security more accessible for the wider market.

“We’re really excited about what this web interface represents. We can see the future of our Data Security Platform right here,” says Philip Robinson, Head of Marketing at Lepide. “Not only does it look great, it’s incredibly easy to use and gives our users complete control over the information they want to see in their dashboards. When no two organizations are the same in terms of security priorities, pre-defined reports and dashboards alone just don’t do the job anymore. We’re completely guided by our customer feedback in this project to create the best possible SaaS platform for data security.”

In addition to the new web interface, Lepide Data Security Platform 21.2 now includes several other key additions to improve threat visibility and usability. These new additions include:

  • User Centric Anomaly Detection: Users will now be able to report on anomalous user behavior across the entirety of the platforms that are covered, including anomalous logon/logoff activity outside of office hours.
  • IOS, Android and Windows mobile platforms will now have an updated look and feel to improve usability. You also have the ability to trigger threat response actions from the mobile app itself.
  • Over 50 new reports for Office 365.
  • Reports for when sensitive data is shared with external users through Office 365, including on MS Teams.
  • A list for all operations performed by a user responsible for triggering a real time alert.
  • New built-in actionable scripts that can be configured in threat models.

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