ListenFirst Named As Member Of The Twitter Official Partner Program

Entrance into the exclusive program confirms ListenFirst as one of the best tools for brands to get more value out of Twitter

ListenFirst, the premier enterprise social analytics solution, today announced it has been added to the Twitter Official Partner Program (TOPP). Partnership in the invite only TOPP program is reserved for companies that have a proven track record of customer success in using Twitter’s Developer Platform to provide brands with outstanding products.

For data partners, being awarded the corresponding Twitter Official Partner badge recognizes safe and responsible use of Twitter APIs, and signifies to brands that you’ll be working with the best of the best.

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During the partner evaluation process, ListenFirst stood out around two specific competencies in serving brands that the TOPP program looks for: Consumer & Market Insights, meaning helping clients understand consumer trends and preferences and Brand Monitoring, or helping brands understand what’s being said about their organization.

ListenFirst’s suite of Twitter analytics includes owned, paid, and earned analysis, cross-platform tracking, real-time conversation analysis, audience data, affinity data, and sentiment analysis.

“Joining the prestigious TOPP program is the culmination of a long and in-depth relationship between Twitter and ListenFirst for almost a decade and I couldn’t be more excited to take our collaboration to the next level” explained Jonathan Farb Chief Product Officer, ListenFirst. “We work hand-in-hand with Twitter to make sure we’re providing our clients with the best social business intelligence strategies on the world’s largest focus group, and we look forward to the continued sharing of client success stories of using our analytics to optimize their Twitter based campaigns.”

“At ListenFirst, maximizing social media ROI with all the data and insights brands need is our core objective. Providing best-in-class Twitter analytics has always been a key pillar of how we deliver that value to clients,” said David DiGiacomo Chief Executive Officer, ListenFirst. “We’re honored to be included into the TOPP program, and their third-party recognition of our products, solutions, and client service is another great example of the superior experience we provide to our customers.”

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