NetLine Corporation Releases 2019 State of B2B Content Consumption and Demand Report for Marketers

An Exclusive Look into Real Content Consumption Behavior from over Four Million Downloads on the Largest B2B Buyer Engagement Platform

NetLine Corporation released its annual 2019 State of B2B Content Consumption and Demand Report for Marketers. Consolidating 12 months of first-party content consumption and demand data, the report transforms in-depth research into key takeaways, helping B2B marketers achieve lead generation success by structuring more informed and buyer-oriented content marketing programs.

With nearly half a billion buyer-oriented content recommendations spanning across 300-plus industries, the NetLine network delivers an unparalleled perspective into real-time B2B content engagement. These recommendations yield over four million content downloads generated by B2B buyers as they are actively researching content specific to their various technical and business challenges. As a result of first-party buyer-engagement activity on this scale, this report arms marketers with statistically viable insights to make real-world decisions.

New trends highlighted in this year’s report focus on an overall shift towards quality over quantity when it comes to content. Consumption gap — the span of time between initial content request and consumption — has gone down at an average of six percent across all job levels. This is a complete reversal from prior years which showed an increase of time to consume content. Simultaneously, days between additional content requests are on the rise, supporting marketers’ ambition to have greater impact with fewer engagements.

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Analysis from 2018 data also reveals that 64 percent of the total audience has a job level of manager and above, proving significant influence exists outside of the C-Suite which is most commonly sought after by marketers. More insights on company size, industry, the scope of the buying committee and trending content types and titles help aid content creation and lead quality by targeting those most interested and invested in consuming content. For marketers tired of reviewing reports based on a small group of survey responses, this year’s report offers a no-nonsense, data-minded and actionable output to drive lead generation success with content regardless of the target market.

Robert Alvin, CEO and founder of NetLine Corporation, touts the value of operating the largest B2B content syndication network. “By processing millions of content downloads from in-market professionals, we’re able to capture first-party buyer engagement behavior data that enables us to help B2B marketers navigate the complicated content consumption ecosystem necessary to generate successful lead generation campaigns.”

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The 2019 State of B2B Content Consumption and Demand Report for Marketers underlines the significance of humanizing data through personalization to target influencers and decision makers, making buyer engagement patterns more crucial than ever to understand. Welcoming a next-level strategy for revenue-driving opportunities, this year’s look-back encourages B2B marketers to build a data-centric approach that results in high-quality, targeted leads. First-party insights delivered in a relatable, concise and actionable manner are the foundation of reaching in-market professionals, delivering ROI that help organizations succeed.

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