Dreamforce Interview with Jason Jue, CMO and Co-Founder, Triblio

Jason Jue

“Different solutions offer different sets of channels, but what’s absolutely necessary for coordinating ABM is the ability to take in and act on information about target accounts.”

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How has the MarTech landscape changed since the last time you spoke to MarTech Series?

This year, when you look around at a trade show, you realize that everyone’s claimed they’re an ABM platform. Marketers are looking at widespread ABM jargon and asking, “so, what do you really do?” The market is forcing vendors to clarify which specific problems their solution addresses. Therefore, we’re seeing some vendors lean in on account-based ads, some emphasize account intelligence and AI, while others zero in on sales orchestration.

What’s the biggest attraction for you at Dreamforce 2018?

Salesforce always manages to wow you with an impressive lineup of speakers and events. To be honest, this year, I’m most excited about spending time with old friends and their families here in town.

Who are you keen to meet and huddle at the event? Which sections at the event would you be keen to attend?

Same as every year, looking forward to seeing the regulars in ABM and huddling with the martech community in general. In addition, I’m interested in hearing from a sales perspective which martech tools they’re most excited about.

Do you think the lack of CRM innovation is hurting the martech ecosystem?

CRM is integral to running a successful marketing campaign because it’s sales data that indicates a healthy campaign. Modern marketing campaigns are expected to not only drive demand but also generate pipeline and revenue. Therefore, compatibility is key. The martech ecosystem is tracking millions of different pieces of information about prospects and clients that needs to be combined with pipeline data. Therefore, martech vendors are writing data into CRM and innovating on reports that give sales and marketing a single view of their target accounts.

Do you think it’s largely because of the Buy versus Build delusion?

When it comes to the buy vs build decision, it always depends. Organizations need to clearly define which problems they’re facing and understand where their constraints and risks lie. While custom-built software is more accessible, today’s ready-made solutions are able to harvest more expertise through big data and AI. My personal goal in building a next-gen martech platform like Triblio is to disseminate all the B2B marketing knowledge I’ve accumulated over the years. Instead of writing concepts and tips into a book, we’re writing best practices into software that real marketers can use to scale their own campaign success.

Could you share some tips on how to coordinate ABM ‘Plays’ on the major Marketing Technology platforms? How do they impact sales performance and Customer Success?

Taking the multichannel approach means that at each stage, you’re pushing relevant messaging across the web as well as in one-to-one interactions. Therefore, you need a clearly defined list of target accounts that you can track and segment by purchase stage. Best case scenario is to execute as many campaigns as possible on one platform, from ads to web personalization, chatbots, and email, alongside SDR outreach. Different solutions offer different sets of channels, but what’s absolutely necessary for coordinating ABM is the ability to take in and act on information about target accounts.

One tactic that impacts sales performance is air coverage, which reinforces sales messaging wherever prospects already tend to browse. Usually, these ads don’t require high levels of spend because they’re hyper targeted on the specific people reps are already talking to. For client success, coordinating ABM helps manage expectations. Messaging can be adjusted for each stage of the customer lifecycle. Marketers can help customer success managers build trust, share best practices, and remind clients of their own success when it’s time to renew.

How do Salesforce trends and technology impact your business?

A lot of our clients are on Salesforce products, and Triblio integrates with both Salesforce’s CRM and Pardot. We work closely with clients to build features where there’s demand, and new trends can shape how this demand takes shape.

How do you plan to extend the benefits of Dreamforce to your employees, customers and technology partners?

Events are a great place to take the pulse on what real marketers and sales people are interested in. I’ll definitely be sharing what I learn at Dreamforce with my teammates.

With 6000-plus Martech companies to choose from, how should new businesses leverage customer review platforms to make better, unbiased decisions while buying enterprise software?

When it comes to shopping for a vendor, I encourage marketers to read reviews and ask for client references. If clients in your situation are happy and successful, that’s a good sign.

What is Sales Myopia with regards to ABM and Data Management platforms? How does sales myopia impact productivity and revenue?

Sales people aren’t going to change how they do sales for the sake of ABM. Marketers need to prove that new processes and platforms work, and if they’re dealing with sales myopia, they need to prove it to individual sales reps quickly. Oftentimes, quick wins early on will win the trust of the sales team and open them up for more reform. I’ve seen clients pilot ABM programs with a few of their AEs and SDRs, and when they’re successful, the rest of the sales team is clamoring to get in on the new initiative.

How do you plan to improve the adoption of newer technologies for ABM, Customer Experience and Content management?

If a software company listens to what real practitioners need and helps their clients succeed, people will adopt the new technology. My goal is to work with practitioners, partners, and consultants in the field to continue to build B2B marketing technology that solves real pain points.

How do you see modern data companies coping with the imminent GDPR-induced disruptions?

There’s a been a lot of preparation for GDPR, but we’re still waiting to see the aftermath plays out. That’s why we’re looking forward to going to London for the B2B Marketing conference next month.

Would you provide us your take on turning AI-driven and enabled by 2020?

By 2020, there will be more AI, driving more sophisticated campaigns. As we become more dependent on technology to make decisions, we’ll be able to capture more information in the digital footprints of B2B buyers. Better buying signals results in a more complete understanding of purchase intent, which will enable marketers to run more optimal personalizations and offers.

An inspiring quote from past editions of Dreamforce that you have ever heard—

Last year, our ABM panel moderator Fred Tsai described the group as “truly building a community to forge expertise.” I think this really speaks to the spirit of events like Dreamforce. We spend all our time meeting with prospects and clients, but it’s also important to take this chance to meet with people who share the same passions and goals.

Thank you, Jason! That was fun and hope to see you back on MarTech Series soon.

Jason Jue is CMO and co-founder of Triblio, an account based marketing platform. While his career started at his father’s grocery store, Jason has years of experience as a B2B marketing executive. He’s served as Chief Marketing Officer of Vocus, Vice President of Marketing at Rackspace, and General Manager of Dell.com in Asia.

Jason received his “MBA from the USA” while on a 4 year sabbatical and was formally educated at Harvard College. He’s appeared as a guest speaker at several conferences including Dreamforce and LinkedIn Sales Conference.


Triblio’s Account Based Marketing solution unifies inbound and outbound marketing with sales plays to drive revenue generation. Our platform allows our award-winning clients to run targeted ads, web personalizations, and sales triggers to generate demand from their most important target accounts.

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The MTS Martech Interview Series is a fun Q&A style chat which we really enjoy doing with martech leaders. With inspiration from Lifehacker’s How I work interviews, the MarTech Series Interviews follows a two part format On Marketing Technology, and This Is How I Work. The format was chosen because when we decided to start an interview series with the biggest and brightest minds in martech – we wanted to get insight into two areas … one – their ideas on marketing tech and two – insights into the philosophy and methods that make these leaders tick.

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