AI in Content Marketing

In today’s digital-dominant world staying up to date without the assistance of technology is not possible. When you are writing a piece of content you can imagine the number of tasks that need to be executed before the content is posted. You start with the keyword research, review the data and trends along with analytics. Then comes search engine optimization and writing a piece of content with all the relevant pointers added to it. The writing part will need researching, testing and optimization. Once the piece is ready, a team’s content marketers have to do the next part of the job.

As the digital world is expanding, there is no denying that Artificial Intelligence or AI is changing the game for content marketing. Let’s first learn the fundamentals of what AI is doing before delving further into how it is transforming the face of content marketing. With AI, content marketers can devote more effort to producing the context/content for a piece and less time reading and analyzing. Additionally, AI can evaluate and compare data more quickly than a human. This gives content marketers information they may use to construct their content strategies and articles.

AI assists businesses in identifying audience segments and gathers vital information about each client to build a profile. By personalizing recommendations and messages for each client, organizations may strengthen ties with customers and offer more useful material to them. So let’s dig a little deeper:

For what Content Marketing objectives is AI being used and what results has it produced?

1. 24×7 Chatbots interaction with the users:

You may have come across chatbots on websites that provide users with in-depth information and quick answers to their questions Chatbots, however, are present everywhere and not simply on websites. Facebook Messenger can also converse with users, and the application holds genuine discussions with users rather than having them complete a form. As a result, users feel more connected and it feels like they are conversing with actual people. Users also act rapidly while making purchases as a result of modern-day features in digital chatbots.

2. Custom Feed Algorithms:

As technology has advanced, marketers can track and analyze what users are interested in.  As a result, content strategists can develop blogs, articles, and other types of content to engage and connect with users using more relevance. As an illustration, social media has made a significant impact on the digital world. Based on data analysis, marketers develop social media postings that are pertinent to what customers want, such as a good or service.

For instance, to advertise tickets online, the Grand Ole Opry used Facebook. Marketers leveraged information from prior articles and pages to inform interested people about ticket sales. As a result, individuals who had previously liked or shared posts about upcoming events also saw the Grand Ole Opry’s advertisement for ticket sales. This delivers personalized content right to consumers’ social feeds.

3. Predictive Analytics:

 It aids marketers in observing consumer behaviors, and as a result, consumer profiles are developed based on the actions that consumers take. Marketers can evaluate predictive analytics with AI’s assistance and produce pertinent content based on the data. It has significant implications for digital marketing since strategists may then provide relevant and individualized information to people at every point of their journey.

As an example, you might be researching beauty products online and adding some items to your shopping basket when you decide to check Instagram and discover beauty products from a different website that fall into a similar category. AI does this to make the customer experience more individualized and pique their interest in the offerings.

4. Content Strategy, Research and Development:

 It can be challenging and time-consuming to do relevant research and produce meaningful content. Therefore, learning about the latest trends is useful and takes virtually as long as writing. With AI, content marketers can concentrate on producing the context rather than spending time researching and evaluating the content, which AI now makes easier. AI helps to search for information that is relevant to the target audience at each buying stage of the marketing funnel.

Since AI can quickly examine and compare data, marketers may quickly obtain information for developing content strategies. AI assists strategists in developing trending content that is based on data rather than intuition.

5. Quick Content Generation:

Machines are now able to gather data and analytics for use in content like articles and blogs as AI has progressed. AI has the ability to carry out basic content optimization activities, such as content research, which aids in the analysis of Google trends and analytics and offers content recommendations or suggestions. After examining Google Analytics, AI may provide content ideas that are in line with the most trending subjects. Additionally, it suggests SEO tactics that are more pertinent.

The digital world is expanding as a result of this advancement in technology. Digital marketing has experienced a radical change because of AI.

Statistics: Growth of AI Tools in Content Marketing

As we connect with AI through various devices like Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, etc., we can see how AI is affecting various businesses. AI is transforming the world like nothing else. We receive tailored content recommendations on Netflix and Amazon Prime, and the marketing industry is no exception when it comes to implementing AI recommendations.

Statistics show that AI has a significant influence today, and as marketers rely on technology for everything from lead generation to customer interaction and conversion to content optimization and more, AI is being adopted everywhere and changing how we sell to customers. According to the statistics below, AI development will continue to advance in the years to come. It has changed the way people buy products as well. So, let’s look at some numbers now:

  • Drift and Marketing Artificial Intelligence, polled 400 marketers, and 46% of them reported that their marketing team is working to simultaneously boost sales and reduce expenses. According to 43%, increasing revenue is their primary concern. Eight percent of respondents claimed that cost-cutting was their only priority.
  • A scale-up phase of marketing AI adoption, which entails widespread deployment of AI that regularly produces results, was cited by 17% of marketers. The Humanizing phase, where AI and humans are combined and resources are switched to relationship-building, creativity, culture, and communities, has been reached by 19 percent of the population.
  • According to 26% of all respondents and 45% of seasoned AI users, using artificial intelligence has given them a considerable competitive advantage over their rivals.
  • According to Deloitte research, 73% of AI adopters think the technology is incredibly or seriously crucial to their company’s operations right now, and 64% feel AI technologies help them gain an advantage over rivals.
  • According to Salesforce Research’s most recent State of Marketing Study, marketers’ use of AI increased dramatically between 2018 and 2020, rising from 29% in 2018 to 84% in 2020.
  • By 2020, 30% of all B2B organizations, according to Gartner, will be using AI for at least one of their main sales processes
  • According to a survey, AI helps marketers boost sales (52%), improve customer retention (51%), and introduce new products successfully (49%)
  • 21% of sales leaders use AI-powered applications, and the majority of them collaborate with their marketing departments on these applications.

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A Few Top Platforms for Content Marketing:

The majority of people have trouble with their content strategy and creation. We are all simply human, therefore no one can be great at creating and promoting quality content, all the time. To some extent, we can be creative while creating interesting content, but what about the scientific aspect of content marketing?

When we go strategic, it necessitates a time-consuming process of completing keyword research, topic selection, and more. The majority of us rely on intuition to write the next content piece. Since a strategy is followed that is supported by data, let’s explore how various technologies are assisting the marketers in creating content rapidly and at scale with AI.

1. HubSpot – An AI Powered Content Strategy Tool

The Content Strategy tool from HubSpot uses machine learning to assist marketers in finding high-quality content ideas that convert efficiently and helps to verify those content ideas as quickly as possible. Deep learning and AI are used to find new content ideas and themes that will resonate with your audience and rank well in search engine results pages. To do this, it searches through millions of postings on related topics before recommending topic clusters that will boost your ranking and set you apart from rivals.

As a result, creating effective content marketing campaigns no longer requires guesswork and hard work because of  machine-assisted content strategy.

2. Acrolinx – An ideal tool for content creation

The most impressive tool for content creation is Acrolinx. Utilizing AI’s potential to enhance your enterprise content is made easier with Acrolinx. The reason for this is that better content always results in better experiences. It aids marketing teams in fortifying content for improved results. It can also produce information that can be used across multiple languages.

Additionally, it keeps the message across all campaigns and channels clear, constant, interesting, and true to the brand. It is helpful to the product teams and aids in providing information that is clear, consistent, and compliant for your product or service. As a result, you focus more on innovation and spend less time worrying about mistakes. The tool is exceptionally useful for marketers who can make use of different features and it creates excellent content and automatically adds videos, titles, and graphics to your articles and web pages.

3. Crayon – AI-Powered Competitive Intelligence Software

The award-winning competitive intelligence platform from Crayon is a blessing in disguise because it can assist your company in identifying and seizing chances to forge a long-lasting competitive advantage. The software from Crayon is used by tens of thousands of teams to automatically collect and evaluate all competitive intelligence, including external messaging and positioning, product and pricing changes, hiring plans, go-to-market strategies, and more.

Anyone who has had a creative block can speak to how time-consuming it can be to develop a content marketing strategy when there aren’t any new ideas.  Crayon combines machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide you with competitive information on exactly what your rivals are doing online.

The primary pages of a company’s website can be tracked over time to gain insights into the company’s content marketing strategy, targeting, and messaging.  For your content marketing efforts, this kind of material can be a gold mine of inspiration. You can find tons of inspiration by using Crayon to look up your top rivals or brands you admire. You can capture the movement of your business rivals in real time and make changes to your marketing strategies to stand out in the market.

4. Ghost Writer – A terrific markdown application for report writing

For Windows, Linux, and macOS, there is a text editor called Ghostwriter that supports Markdown syntax. Ghostwriter creates plain text files that may be edited on any OS, whether it be on a computer, smartphone, or other device. For note-taking or document sharing, it offers improved portability and may be very useful. The distraction-free writing environment offered by Ghostwriter includes a full screen mode and a simple user interface. It can make report writing a more enjoyable experience.

Ghostwriter works like a member of your team. With just one application, you can manage clients, projects, reports, and infrastructure. However, it can be used to collect all pertinent project information so that users can quickly curate any part of their projects. It cannot, however, completely replace the usual or traditional project management systems, such as CRMs.

5. MarketMuse – AI Content Planning and Optimization

An average marketer takes 19 hours to come up with a compelling content piece. Some marketers invest hours on keyword research, creating content briefs, and writing, only to receive erratic, inconsistent results. MarketMuse employs machine learning and artificial intelligence to assist you in creating content marketing strategy.

To compete in particular topic categories, the tool will show you precisely which keywords to focus on. Additionally, if you wish to own particular themes, it will highlight topics you may need to focus on. By leveraging AI to handle the labor-intensive tasks, MarketMuse accelerates the process of content discovery.

So, what can you expect at the end of the day? Your entire content creation team and process can be guided by AI-powered SEO recommendations and insights. In addition, MarketMuse provides a natural language generation (NLG) engine that analyzes text and reconstructs it into a piece of long-form content that is optimized.

6. Jasper – Produces High quality Content at Scale using AI

Jasper is your one-stop shop (AI content creation tool) for creating content. You can easily write high-quality content at scale with only a few suggestions due to a collection of templates that can help you develop anything from video scripts and personal biographies to real estate listings, product descriptions, headlines, and long-form blog entries. The possibilities are simply endless.

You can produce content 5 times more quickly with the Boss Mode function, and you can work closely with machine technology to produce human masterpieces at scale with the long-form assistant. It’s just like  another writer with you is waiting for your orders in the same space. It will assist you in producing content for your unique use cases and workflow requirements. After entering a few inputs to help Jasper work for you, just relax and enjoy the results. You will get quality content at the end which is unique and plagiarism free.

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How Some Brands Have Used AI Powered Tools to Generate Content?

Because AI is so pervasive and has such a significant impact on brands and company processes, it is difficult to predict how it will progress. The most profitable, reputable, and well-known brands in the world have already been utilizing AI for a number of years and are beginning to see positive results. Brands now have a fantastic standing when it comes to out-competing the rivals.

Here are just a few instances of these firms using machine learning and AI as key components of their marketing strategies. Let’s examine how AI has impacted their company practices and the outstanding revenue results they have achieved because of it:


Amazon was one of the first online businesses to personalize shopping recommendations. Over time, it improved its algorithms, which now boast of a higher level of sophistication. The recommendations are based on previous purchases made by the customer, their browsing habits, and a number of other variables. Amazon uses artificial intelligence (AI) to generate dynamic pricing. When more sales are needed, prices are lowered to encourage more purchases, and when demand is high, prices are raised.

Amazon is continuing to advance as a pioneer in the application of technology by opening checkout-free physical stores with AI-powered sensors and cameras in Seattle, Chicago, and San Francisco. Utilizing the Amazon Go app, this technology can identify precisely which things a consumer has selected and will charge them as soon as they leave the store.

With Echo Look, the firm is even joining the trend of employing AI in the fashion industry. Echo Look is an AI-driven personal stylist that employs machine learning algorithms to give personalized outfit ideas, increasing sales of clothing, shoes, and accessories.


One of Starbucks’ biggest projects is Deep Brew, which uses artificial intelligence (AI) to power the company’s personalization engine, improve labor allocations in stores, and drive inventory management there. In what some may consider to be a counter-intuitive turn, Deep Brew is utilizing IoT (Internet of Things) technologies in a way that not only streamlines operations but also aids in humanizing the consumer experience.

The integration of Deep Brew AI in a new line of Mastrena super-automatic espresso machines, equipped with sensors that centrally log and analyze every shot dispensed, is an example of the operational aspect. Predictive analytics is used to process the data in order to send clients targeted marketing messages, such as recommendations when they approach their local stores and offers. Customers may also place orders directly from their phones using voice commands thanks with the AI-powered virtual barista service available on the app.

Starbucks uses the data from its 90 million weekly transactions to provide a more individualized customer experience and to help make business decisions about where to locate new outlets and what products to sell.


Alibaba Group, a Chinese retail and technology giant, launched its first “FashionAI” store earlier this year. Customers will be able to see the outfits they tried on in-store thanks to the store’s intelligent garment tags that sense when an item is touched, smart mirrors that show clothing information and suggest matching items, and upcoming plans for integration with a virtual wardrobe app.

The business has previously employed AI. The smart customer service system, which was automated, was introduced by Alibaba in 2015 and received better reviews than the human customer service representatives. Alibaba uses technology similar to that of Amazon and provides personalized search results to customers as well as automatically generated storefronts that feature the most appealing products for certain customers.

There is no denying that Alibaba has a sizable consumer base, with 567 million active customers and numerous daily visitors to its websites and apps. The company has benefited greatly from AI, and the company intends to continue using it for future projects as well.

Final words:

The power of AI in content marketing seems indispensable and this is continuing to grow like the way it is producing such fruitful outcomes. AI assists businesses in identifying audience segments and gathers vital information about each client to build a more valid profile. With AI, businesses can customize customer suggestions and messaging to strengthen relationships and give consumers more useful stuff, but learning and implementing the technology following the right practices is key to success.

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